- There is an aBundance of commodity supplies on Shanghai markets during holidays. 上海节日市场,商品供应充足。
- Market during holiday 节日市场
- The road toll is higher during holiday periods. 在节假日期间路桥费比以往要贵。
- Well, always the same story during holiday. 嗯,假期中永远是同样的事情。
- They bought butter on the black market during the war. 战时,他们在黑市上买黄油。
- His indecisiveness on this count recalls the way he destroyed the housing market during August by floating the possibility of a stamp duty “holiday” yet failing to follow through for several weeks. 他犹豫不决本指望回顾了他摧毁了住房市场在8月的浮动的可能性印花税“假日”,但未能贯彻了几个星期。
- The number of shares of stock sold on the market during a given period of time. 证券交易额在给定的时间内市场出售的股份总数。
- She often does volunteer labour during holidays. 放假时她常去参加义务劳动。
- You ought to loosen up a bit during holidays. 逢年过节,你也该把我们放松一点。
- During holidays and National Vacations. 假期期间学校。
- We always do so during holidays. 节假日期间,我们一向都这么做。
- During holidays I never read the newspaper. 我休假的时候从来都不看报纸。
- For example, HDB and JTC bonds were offered to the retail market during their primary launches. 例如,建屋发展局和裕廊镇管理局的债券初次发行时,都在散户市场出售。
- Be sureto book as far ahead as possible, especially during holiday periods like Chinese New Year, when demand is high. 一定要尽可能提前预订,尤其是在像中国新年这样的节日期间,因为这个时候车票需求很旺。
- If two semesters, can the teacher remain on school premises during holiday period? 若是两学期,假期期间外教可否在学校居住?
- The number of people killed on the highways during holidays runs into hundreds this year. 今年在假日期间,公路上因车祸而死亡的人已数以百计。
- During holiday,my parents took me to Hai Nan.It was my first time to see the sea,dI jumped and shouted. 在暑假期间,爸爸妈妈带我去海南玩,在那里,我平生第一次看到了大海,我兴奋地又喊又跳。
- For example,HDB and JTC bonds were offered to the retail market during their primary launches. 例如,建屋发展局和裕廊镇管理局的债券初次发行时,都在散户市场出售。
- Students can work up to 20 hours per week during semester and unlimited hours during holiday periods. 学生们在上学期间可以每周最多工作20个小时,在假期期间不限时工作。
- Volume Of Trade The number of shares or contracts traded in a security or an entire market during a given period. 指一段期间一种证券或一个市场买卖股票或合约的数目。