- Marked by pits. 有坑洼的,有坑洞的
- Electromagnetic sensors marked by pits on its snout help it detect even the slightest muscular movement in its prey, down to a heartbeat. 电磁的探测器作记号经由凹点在它的鼻口部帮助它发现最小的肌肉运动在它的猎物,直到一个心跳。
- Marked by striking audacity or verve. 过人勇气的或精力旺盛的
- Disk extrastaminal, rarely marked by depressions or pits. 花盘雄蕊外,很少显著的具坑和洼点。
- Having or marked by bilateral symmetry. 左右对称的以或表现为左右对称的
- They reached a crossroads marked by a signpost. 他们到了一个设有路标的十字路口。
- The restricted areas are marked by orange pennons. 不对公众开放的地区由橘黄色三角旗标了出来。
- Marked by inventive skill and imagination. 灵巧的拥有创造性天才和想象力的
- A disease marked by this inflammation. 支气管炎以这种感染为特征的疾病
- Marked by assurance, as of success. 以确信为特征的,如对成功的确信
- Marked by brutality or depravity. 残忍的,野蛮的表现为残忍的或野蛮的
- Marked by little or no ornamentation or decoration. 朴素的,简朴的具有无装饰品或装饰的特征的
- Subjected to or marked by misfortune. 不幸的经受不幸或具有不幸的特征的
- Containing, marked by, or consisting of vowels. 元音的含有、带有或由元音组成的
- The diseased trees are marked by protuberances on their bark. 有病的树木可由其树皮上的结节看出。
- The joint marked by such a projection. 肢关节长有这样突起部分的关节
- Marked by or exhibiting a lack of reliability. 不可靠的以缺乏可靠性为特征的或显示出缺乏可靠性的
- His life is marked by vicissitudes. 他的一生几经沈浮。
- Marked by or exhibiting deference. 恭敬的具有恭敬的特征的,表现出顺从的
- Marked by or having the nature of convulsions. 痉挛的以痉挛为特征或者具有痉挛性质的