- Marine Amphibious Corps 陆战队两栖部队
- The III Amphibious Corps will occupy the Tientsin-Tsingtao area pending the arrival of Chinese government troops. 第三水陆两栖团在国军未能到达时将占领天津-青岛之间的区域。
- The III Amphibious Corps reported that the use of the talkers during the Guam and Peleliu operations "was considered indispensable for the rapid transmission of classified dispatches. 第三两栖作战军报告形容在关岛和贝利流岛的战斗中使用纳瓦霍语密码为“(纳瓦霍语)被认为是传送机密急件的首选方式。
- Marine Amphibious Brigade Field Exercise 陆战队两栖旅野外演习
- Marine Amphibious Brigade Landing Exercise 陆战队两栖旅登陆演习
- Marine Amphibious Force Air Support Airfield 陆战队两栖部队空援机场
- Marine Amphibious Force Field Exercise 陆战队两栖部队野外演习
- Marine Amphibious Force Landing Exercise 陆战队两栖部队登陆演习
- Marine Amphibious Unit Landing Exercise 陆战队两栖小队登陆演习
- Ready Afloat Marine Amphibious Brigade 准备登船的陆战队两栖旅
- The Marine Corps began to slim down under budget restrictions. 由于预算的限制,海军陆战队开始裁员。
- He was a soldier of Marine Corps. 他曾是海军陆战队里的一名士兵。
- West Coast Corps is a large corporation. 西海岸公司是个大型公司。
- One two three four I love the marine corps ! 1 2 3 4我爱这个海军陆战队!
- The regiment had a strong esprit de corps. 这个兵团有很强的团体精神。
- A member of the US Marine Corps. 美国海军陆战队成员。
- The Marine Corps is a crack rapid reaction force. 海军陆战队是精锐的快速反应部队。
- Occultism In The United States Marine Corps? 在美国舰队的术?
- Colonel Frank Fitts, U.S. Marine Corps. 美国海军陆战队上校;弗兰克.;费兹
- Marine plants grow on the sea bed. 海生植物长在海底。