- Mao Dun literature award 茅盾文学奖
- the Mao Dun Literature Award 茅盾文学奖
- Mao Dun Literature Prize 茅盾文学奖
- Look, that is the Mao Dun Memorial Hall. 都是在这里度过的。你看,后面就是茅盾纪念馆了。
- Have you ever read works by Mao Dun? 渊源,你读过茅盾先生的作品吗?
- The bronze statues of Mao Dun and Ye Shengtao. 女作家丁玲啊。还有茅盾、叶圣陶的铜像。
- Sheng YanBing, pen name Mao Dun. 沈雁冰,笔名茅盾。
- This article of Mao Dun's merits careful study. 茅盾的这篇文章值得赏析。
- Mao Dun's accepting way to western modernism has both similarity and differences with that of the developing new wave literature. 茅盾对现代主义的接受方式及其遭遇,与今天我们正在发展着的新潮文学对西方现代主义的接受方式既有着相似之处,也有着许多不同。
- In the novel Dust Settled, Alai, the winner of th e Fifth Mao Dun Prize for Literature, unfolds a legendary chapter of the T ibetan cul ture. 第五届矛盾文学奖得主阿来的《尘埃落定》掀开了藏文化中极富传奇的历史篇章。
- Mao Dun had claimed the ideology of realistic literature persistently. But his ideology was evolved from babyhood matureness basically. 茅盾一贯主张现实主义文学思想,但他的现实主义文学思想,有个从幼稚到成熟的演进过程。
- Praise of White Poplar is a famous essay of Mao Dun. 《白杨礼赞》是茅盾先生的散文名篇。
- It is important to evaluate these works accurately, because it will contribute us to estimate the status of Mao Dun in the history of Chinese literature. 正确地评价这些作品,将有助于我们重新估定茅盾在文学史上的历史地位。
- Mao Dun's theoretical study, accepting way and experience to western modernism is comparable on proposition with the use and lessons of the new wave literature in new times. 茅盾对于西方现代主义的理论研究、受方式和经验教训,同新时期新潮文学对于现代主义的运用和借鉴具有论题的可比性。
- Greatly influenced by both the local area cultures and such famous writers as Lu Xun, Mao Dun and Chekhov in his novel- creating practice, Sha Ding has formed his own unique literature creation mode, i.e., he is good at constructing open-story ending. 沙汀在长期的小说创作实践中 ,形成了自己独特的创作定势 ,热衷于营造开放性的故事结局便是其中的一个组成部分。 这一定势的形成 ,有地域文化 (龙门阵文化 )的影响 ;
- MAO Dun launched the semimonthly Literary Position in 1938, and edited from the first 18 issues. 摘要茅盾于1938年4月16日创办了半月刊《文艺阵地》并主编了前18期。
- There, head articles in Chinese newspapers by Ding Ling, Mao Dun, and other friends mourned her death. 中国的报纸以显著地位刊登丁玲、茅盾等友人悼念她的文章。
- The Zhao Shuli Literature Award has hibernated for 19 years since 1985 when the first prize was awarded. 1985年省作协举办了首届赵树理文学评论奖,但此后19年这个奖中断了。
- Many great writers, such as Lu Xun, Mao Dun and Bing Xin, will always live in the hearts of Chinese people. 许多伟大作家如鲁迅、茅盾和冰心将永远活在中国人民的心中。
- Former residence of Mao Dun. Now it's No.6, Lane 132, Shanyin Road. It's the Mao Dun's third residence in Hongkou. 茅盾寓所:现山阴路132弄6号,系茅盾在上海虹口第三寓所。