- Many heads make light thinking. 三个臭皮匠。
- Many hands make light work, to coin a phrase. 常言说,人多好干活。
- Many hands make light work and young backs bend easily. 人多好办事,年轻腰腿好。
- A wise head make the tongue short. 智者寡言。
- With many heads, as in a highly branched caudex. 具有多个头,高度分枝的茎基。
- We made light work of the tidying up. 我们做整理工作轻而易举。
- The mob has many heads but no brains. 乌合之众,有勇无谋。
- Some of those talking heads make millions a year. 一些节目主持人一年挣好几百万呢。
- Metonymy(借代):“Many hands make light work” is a well-known saying. “人多好办事”。是一句人人皆知的谚语。
- I didn't mean to make light of your injuries. 我不是说你的伤不重。
- By the hands of many a great work made light. 众擎易举。
- To make light, clear, or bright. 使光亮,使清楚,使明亮
- Basically I think we are vain. A woman's happiness is how many heads she can turn-especially the Northern women I know. 总的来说,我觉得我们都爱慕虚荣。女人的幸福在于她能使多少人为之一倾倒——尤其是我认识的一些北方妇女。
- Made light and high by yeast or other leaven. 发酵的用酵母或其它发酵剂使 ... 轻而高
- Many hands make light work. [谚]人多好办事。
- It is the humour of many heads to extol the days of their forefathers. 许多人天生喜欢吹捧祖先的时代。
- He is not willing to show much head recently. 他最近不愿意多公开露面。
- Make light pencil lines so that they will erase easily. 铅笔线划得淡些,以便容易擦掉。
- The blow on his head made Jack see stars. 杰克当头挨了一击,眼睛直冒金星。
- A wise head makes a close mouth. 真人不露相,露相非真人。