- Many Arabs wear robes. 许多阿拉伯人穿长袍。
- Many Arabs wear long flowing robes. 许多阿拉伯人身穿松垂的长袍.
- Many Arabs still wear robes. 许多阿拉伯人仍穿长袍。
- Arabs wear robes. 阿拉伯人穿长袍。
- The Arabs wear robes. 阿拉伯人穿长袍。
- Many Arabs came to Quanzhou to conduct business. 很多阿拉伯人都到泉州来经商。
- In their wake, she says, many Arabs have come permanently to reject the very idea of peaceful coexistence with Israel. 她谈到在这之后,许多阿拉伯人已转而永久性地反对与以色列和平共存这一想法。
- These are fighting men, but not organized soldiers, for they wear robes of different cut and color one from the other. 这些是斗士,但尚未组织成部队,因为他们的罩衣裁剪、色彩各异。
- Most Arabs still seem unwilling to pay the price of change. 大部分阿拉伯人似乎仍然不愿意为变革付出代价。
- Parader wears robe, hold cross, barefoot is ongoing. 游行者身穿长袍,手持十字架,赤足前进。
- Recruited from the many Arabs settled across North Africa and the Middle East, usually fighting mounted, they will dismount for duties that demand it. 阿拉伯步行骑兵从遍及北非和中东的阿拉伯民族中招募,尽管通常骑马厮杀,但若任务需要,他们亦会步行作战。
- Many Arabs in the region, as well as Turks and Persians, are rightly ready to give him a chance to restore his country's tattered reputation. 包括土耳其、波斯(此处指伊朗)在内的许多阿拉伯国家都很愿意给他重塑美国在这些地区声望的机会。
- Many Arab mothers and workers,she says,can provide a model for women the world over trying to strike a balance between professional and family life. 她说,许多阿拉伯母亲和工人,把职业与家庭很好地结合堪称世界妇女的楷模。
- Aurak draconians wear robes or decorate their bodies to indicate rank and superiority.If necessary, they use spells or their innate powers to take whatever disguise suits their needs. 奥瑞克龙人穿着长袍或者装饰他们的身体来显示职位和优越性。如果必要,他们会使用法术或他们的天赋能力来伪装出任何他们需要的服装。
- Many Arab mothers and workers, she says, can provide a model for women the world over trying to strike a balance between professional and family life. 她说,许多阿拉伯母亲和工人,把职业与家庭很好地结合堪称世界妇女的楷模。
- AS PUBLIC protest in Tehran seems to dwindle, at any rate on the streets, many Arab leaders are quietly exhaling a sigh of relief. 随着在德黑兰的公众抗议活动,至少是街头抗议活动的逐步减少,许多阿拉伯国家领导人暗地里都松了一口气。
- Given the growth of political Islam, and the fact that Mr Pollack deems many Arab countries to be on the point of revolution, perhaps not. 考虑到伊斯兰政治力量不断增长,和珀拉克认为许多阿拉伯国家即将爆发革命的事实,答案是:不大可能。
- Baby-linen- for babies then wore robes of state- afforded still another possibility of toil and emolument. 而婴儿的服装--当时的婴儿是穿袍服的--也为她提供了依靠劳动获得收入的机会。
- Many Arab investors, meanwhile, are keeping part of the funds they usually invest abroad inside the region, fuelling a surge in stock markets and real estate prices. 与此同时,许多阿拉伯投资者将他们通常投资于海外市场的部分资金保留在当地,由此抬高了中东地区的股市和房地产价格。
- From the resplendent palace, the emperor wore robes of rebel peasants ideal "suit" Amber can be seen only in favor of the emperor usable degree. 从宫殿的金碧辉煌、皇帝穿的龙袍、到造反农民的理想“黄袍加身”,都可看出黄色受宠到只有皇帝能用的程度。