- Manual Bomb Hoist 人工挂弹机
- We need a hoist to lift the concrete blocks. 我们需要一台起重机来吊起混凝土块。
- The atom bomb is of catholic concern. 原子弹受到普遍的关注。
- Making small models requires manual skill. 制作小模型要手巧。
- There was a bomb scare during the procession. 在列队行进时因怀疑有炸弹而引起恐慌。
- Work done by machines has replaced manual labour. 机器生产已经代替了手工劳作。
- The bomb exploded in a twinkling. 炸弹一会儿就爆炸了。
- Having seen the manual, he pick the extinguisher. 看完了说明书,他拿起了灭火器。
- That dress must have cost (her) a bomb! 那连衣裙一定花了(她)很多钱!
- This manual is full of useful tips. 这本小册子里有很多实用的小建议。
- The bomb was exploded by remote control. 这颗炸弹是遥控引爆的。
- The bomb went off in a crowded street. 炸弹在熙来攘往的街道上爆炸了。
- The bomb went off, killing three people. 炸弹爆炸,炸死了3个人。
- The terrorists planted a bomb in the post office. 恐怖分子在邮局安放了一枚炸弹。
- We should not look down on manual labor. 我们不应该轻视体力劳动。
- Anti-nuclear organizations want to ban the bomb. 反核武器组织要求禁止使用核武器。
- At that time, China did not yet have the bomb. 那时,中国还未拥有核武器。
- The bomb went off at6: 30 this morning. 这个炸弹是在今天早晨六点半爆炸的。
- He's as tender as a chicken and not up to hard manual work. 他吃不了苦,胜任不了艰苦的体力劳动。
- A high-explosive bomb used for demolition purposes. 爆破力强的炸弹用于破坏目的的烈性爆弹