- Manual Mode Space Simulator 手控状态航天模拟器
- Manual mode has precedence to automatic mode. 手动方式优先于自动方式。
- The manual mode will provide more data transfer flexibility. 手动模式将在数据传输上提供更大的灵活性。
- Select the manual mode of combat in the battle interface. 选择在战役界面里的战斗的用手的方式。
- Recording mode and manual mode are always the unoversteping handicap. 录音和人工方式一直是信息台不可逾越的障碍。
- Flash Hot-shoe seems to work well with external flash in manual mode. 手动外闪光热靴工作正常。
- We used the Manual Mode for our exposure setting to allow greater control over the aperture and shutter speed settings. 采用手动曝光模式,以便更好地调节光圈和快门速度。
- In the algorithm if mode space is continual .model set converges gradually to the given range. 该方法在模式空间连续的情况下,模型集合逐步收敛到给定的范围内。
- Comeact structure, efficient Starting, Running in short time; Use special Key in manual mode ifno power supply. 该门机结构紧凑,启动力矩大,能短时超载运行;停电时,采用专用钥匙能方便地由自由状态切换为手动状态。
- When news of this leaked out, he quickly switched to manual mode, with apologies. 当这件事透露出去后,他马上就改为亲笔签名,还就此事道了歉。
- Secondly, Toeplitz technique is applied to the Eigenspace-Baced (ESB) adaptive beamforming algorithm for the mode space of UCA. 结合基于特征空间的自适应波束形成算法(ESB)和圆阵模式空间概念,并把Toeplitz化技术应用于圆阵自适应波束形成中得到一种新算法,算法具有较快的收敛速度,并对相干干扰有一定的抑制作用;
- The function of non? disturbance shifting from manual mode to automatic mode is realized in the system. 系统实现了从手动到自动的无扰切换功能。
- The pilot only needed to disengage from auto fly mode and change to manual mode. 只要机长从飞机自动飞行控制转换成人力控制飞行。
- The traditional manual mode of quality auditing and eval uating can not meet the demand of market competition. 传统仅靠人工进行的质量审核与评审越来越不能适应市场竞争的要求。
- It is enabled in the semi-automatic defibrillation mode regardless of the setting of “VF detection in manual mode” in the configuration menu. 无论在手动除颤模式下是否开启了室颤探测模式,当切换到半自动除颤模式时,室颤/室速自动探测系统均被激活。
- HMI: large-size touch screen, LCD display in Chinese, menu-based management, free changeover between manual mode and automatic mode. 人机结合:大屛幕触摸屏,中文液晶显示,菜单式管理,手动.;自动自由转换
- In manual mode, the camera provides continuous panning at up to 100 degrees per second and tilting of up to 40 degrees per second. 在手动控制下,此摄像机可以进行全方位的云台移动,包括上下移动(移动角度达100度/秒)和左右移动(移动角度达40度/秒)。
- Roybal,J Shively,C Stein,P Tolmak.Laboratory simulation of hypervelocity debris[A].19th Space Simulation Conference[C].NASA Conference Publication 3341,October1996. 童靖宇;庞贺伟;黄本诚.;一种新型空间微小碎片超高速碰撞试验地面模拟方法[J]
- R Roybal,J Shively,C Stein,P Tolmak.Laboratory simulation of hypervelocity debris[A].19th Space Simulation Conference[C].NASA Conference Publication 3341,October1996. 童靖宇;庞贺伟;黄本诚.;一种新型空间微小碎片超高速碰撞试验地面模拟方法[J]
- Buckling analysis of the head of a large space simulator 大型空间模拟器封头的屈曲分析