- Manfeilong Pagoda in Jinghong 景洪曼菲龙塔
- Sakya Script Pagoda in Guangnei Temple. 广化寺内的释迦文佛塔。
- This Buddhist pagoda in Fawang Temple was built. 法王寺舍利塔。
- A Tang Dynasty pagoda in Yong tai Temple. 永泰寺唐塔。
- The pagoda in Jeju City Sanyang hole. 这座石塔位于济州市三阳洞。
- A dagoba differs from the more well-known pagoda in shape. 这个舍利塔不同于以往我们所见过宝塔的样子。
- Usage: Put the aromatic pagoda in the base and light it. 用法:将香塔放在香塔座中点燃。
- When we picked up the pagoda in the distance, we knew we were nearing the city. 一看到远处的宝塔,我们就知道离那个城市不远了?
- This species was first introduced to China in 1645, and the naturalized plant was first recorded in Jinghong, Yunnan, in 1936. 本种在1645年到中国首先引进栽培,并且归化的植株被最先在在1936年云南景洪记录。
- Objective: To study the clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment status of double infected with typhoid fever and malaria in Jinghong. 目的:分析景洪地区伤寒、疟疾重叠感染的临床表现及诊治情况。
- It boasts the biggest collection of high-relief pagodas in China. 为中国最大的高浮雕塔林。
- When he picked up the pagoda in the distance,he knew he was nearing the ancient city. 一瞥见远处的宝塔,他就知道离那座古城不远了。
- It is the tallest ancient wood pagoda in the world, and the only extant wooden pagoda in China. 其体形高大,结构复杂,轮廓优美,是中国古代木构建筑的代表作。
- This species was first introduced to China in 1645, and the naturalized plant was first recorded in Jinghong, Yunnan, in 1936. The mucilaginous flower is often eaten in a vegetable soup. 本种在1645年到中国首先引进栽培,并且归化的植株被最先在在1936年云南景洪记录。黏的花通常被在一份蔬菜汤里吃。
- The picture shows a wild binturong or bearcat tied up and kept at a pagoda in Kandal Province, Vietnam. 照片上的野生熊貍被绑在越南干拉省的一座寺塔内,并由塔方负责照料。
- Park is also available in the Thai Princess to visit China that year, in Jinghong of stay under the symbol of Sino-Thai friendship between the two of the bodhi tree and the inscription. 园内还有泰国王妃当年访问中国,在景洪停留时种下的两棵象征中泰友谊的菩提树及碑文。
- When he picked up the pagoda in the distance, he knew he was nearing the ancient city. 一瞥见远处的宝塔,他就知道离那座古城不远了。
- Huan-chun in Jinghong City Park is the oldest park, located in Shahe Interchange Lancang River flow and listen to the Cayman Walled side, the original "Man listen Park", an area of 20 hectares. 春欢公园是景洪城区历史最悠久的公园,位于澜沧江与流沙河交汇处的曼听寨边,原称“曼听公园”,占地20公顷。
- Vietnamese Buddhists burn incense in front of a Pagoda in the capital Hanoi, and recite texts for happiness, prosperity and health. 佛教的影响遍及世界各地,许多地方的佛教习俗也相当相似。
- Giac Lam pagoda (built in 1744 and is regarded as the oldest pagoda in Ho Chi Minh City. 如果想看,可以在历史博物馆看到,但是一日游不包括这一项。最好的水上木偶戏在北越,如果去北越,就不用在西贡看了。