- They made a whole set of management methods. 他们制定了一整套的管理方法。
- The scientific management method has brought about many changes in factory production. 科学的管理方法已经给我们工厂的生产带来了许多变化。
- DSM is an advanced management methods. 需求侧管理是一项先进的管理方法。
- Management method of the world top companies II. 世界顶级企业的管理之道2。
- Specifies options for invoking a management method. 指定用于调用管理方法的选项。
- The new management method has greatly increased the production. 不可否认的事实是,新的管理方法已经极大提高了产量。
- J discusses management methods of relevance to public transportation systems. 课程1.;259J讨论了公共运输系统的管理方法。
- Bih Lu Tea Plantation uses natural farming and professional management methods. (碧庐茶园是以自然农法栽培与专业管理的高山茶园。
- Management methods and condition of center dispensary should be improved. 中心摆药室的条件和管理方式落后,有待进一步改善;
- They need to accelerate the application of modern management methods and information technology. 加快企业管理现代化、信息化建设。
- Managers who want to mastery conflict management method and tactic. 需要掌握冲突管理方法和策略的职业经理人。
- Establishment of compensation mechanism and management methods on environmental pollution and health hazard. 环境污染与健康危害的补偿机制建设及管理办法。
- The default entry point name is the name of the managed method. 默认入口点名称是托管方法的名称。
- Put out the manage method more fit to noise catabatic. 针对噪声管理存在的问题提出更加合适的噪声管理办法。
- Based on the exploration of the five advertisement company, human management methods are put forward in the end. 期望本文的研究能够对学术界在广告业人本管理的理论研究方面有所推动,对广告业企业的运用提供一定的指导。
- By applying the management methods of privative department to improve the efficient of public enterprise. 通过产权制度的重构与私营企业管理方法在公共企业中的应用来提高公共企业的效率。
- Scientific management decision depends on the effectiveness of management methods, means and techniques. 管理决策的科学性取决于管理方法、手段和技术的有效性。
- Lean production and six sigma are advanced management methods of pursuing the two. 而精益生产和六西格玛是追求两者的先进的管理方式。
- The managers should learn to pick the best of all the management methods. 管理者应该懂得从众多管理方法中撷英。
- So, the research about the inventory management methods of enterprises in the VMI system is very necessary. 因此,对于采用供应商管理库存后企业库存管理方式的研究就很有必要了。