- Manabu Sato 佐藤学
- My plan is to remove Mr. Sato from the presidency. 我计划把佐藤先生从董事长的位置上拉下来。
- Director Onoda's office, Reiko Sato speaking. 小野田主任办公室,我是佐藤礼子。
- Sato: Pixels are often compared with buckets. 佐藤:图像传感器上的象素经常被比喻成桶。
- While the Sato clan sets off to L. 在她遇难前,智正好向她的手机里发了张彩虹的照片。
- Team mate Takuma Sato drove a feisty race. 队友佐藤琢磨完成了一场活跃的比赛。
- "Yoshida" checked with Sato, who thought this might work. “吉田”征求了佐藤的意见,佐藤认为这个办法也许可行。
- Please ask for Miss Reiko Sato in the semiconductors dpartment. 请找半导体部的佐藤礼子小姐。
- The other team members, not in this photo, are Sato and Takagi. 此相片有备注。将滑鼠放置在相片上方即可查看备注。
- Turtle public mind Sato, Ganqing This is a silly B ah. 公海龟心里琢磨,敢情这是个傻B啊。
- It is such a ridiculous, people always Sato impenetrable. 它就是这样的莫名其妙,让人总是稀里糊涂,琢磨不透。
- At Spa, 2005, that was the first time Sato crashed Schumacher. 2005年的比利时大奖赛,佐藤琢磨首次将舒马赫撞出赛道。
- Despite this, Manabu is determined to join, and boards the train to Destiny Station, the story leads on from there. 蕾拉帮助着铁道站的旅行者们而被称为命运的守护者。然而,威胁银河铁道的最大危机迫近,而有纪的命运又会如何呢?
- Sato: If the circuits are too wide, we would lose light-sensing surface area. 佐藤:如果电路太宽,我们就会损失感光面积。
- Sato san: Things can be a lot easier if they can enjoy Japanese food! 如果他们能习惯日本的饮食,那就会变得容易很多!
- Bonelle Electronics, Mr. Onoda's office, Miss Sato speaking. Could I help you? 波内勒电子工业小野田先生办公室,我是佐藤小姐,有何贵干?
- Ralf sometimes wouldn't mind, if rather Takuma Sato was his brother instead... 有时候,拉尔夫不介意佐藤是他兄弟会更好一点。
- Designers Keiko + Manabu have created an installation called Heart of Shapes at the Diesel Denim Gallery Aoyama in Tokyo, Japan. 设计师惠子+学创造了一个安装所谓心的形状在柴油机牛仔画廊青山在日本东京。
- Mr Sato looked at the ad.Then he found ads for other cameras as well. 佐藤先生看了这则广告;发现其他照相机的广告.
- Manabu Sugimoto, associate professor at Okayama University, hopes that the latest experiment will help human space exploration in the future. 日本冈本大学的教授杉本学先生,希望藉由这样的实验能帮助人类未来对太空的探索。