- Man devilized by war. 人类都被战争弄得着魔了。
- To summon a devil by magic or supernatural power. 施妖术用魔力或超自然力召唤魔鬼
- He is always pulling the devil by the tail. 他总是不断同困难作斗争。
- He felt startled when he saw the desolation caused by war. 看到战争造成的荒凉,他感到触目惊心。
- It was once believed that a man could have a devil in him, and that a priest could exorcise this devil by prayer. 从前有种迷信说人可能会被魔附身,而神父可以籍祈祷驱魔。
- This country is being menaced by war. 这个国家正受到战争的威胁。
- The whole nation was knitted together by war. 全国人民由于战争而紧密团结在一起。
- It was once believed that a man could have a devil in him, and that a priest could exorcise this devil by prayer . 从前有种迷信说人可能会被魔附身,而神父可以籍祈祷驱魔。
- The people are being menaced by war. 人民正受到战争的威胁。
- The national economy was badly damaged by war. 国家经济被战争破坏。
- This family has been impoverished by war. 这个家庭因为战争而陷入贫困。
- The city was reduced to state of ruin by war. 这座城市由于战争而遭到严重破坏。
- The country's economy was ruptured by war. 该国的经济遭受战争的破坏。
- This country is being menaced by war . 这个国家正受到战争的威胁。
- For fifteen years the country was scourged by war. 这个国家遭受战争的蹂躏达十五年之久。
- The country has been depopulated by war and disease. 该国因战争与疾病而人口减少。
- Many unlikely pairs of people were tossed together by war. 许多本来不可能成为夫妻的人都是战争把他们撮合起来的。
- He was tired of knocking about, of pulling the devil by the tail, of shifts and intrigues. 他一直到处漂泊,在贫困中挣扎,耍手腕、搞诡计,实在厌倦了。
- They are haunted by war memories and by images of violence. 他们总是摆脱不掉战争的记忆和暴力肆虐的图景。
- The country had been torn by wars. 这国家饱受战争之苦。