- Insomnia of square law cure is there? 有什么好的方法治疗失眠吗?
- Gastralgia of square law cure is there? 有什么好的方法治疗胃痛吗?
- Hyperbolic cosine squared potential 电子跃迁
- What is there is square law silt swollen? 有什么方法治淤肿?
- Dot blinks ceaselessly, it is what defect, square law is there? 小孩子不停的眨眼,是什么毛病,有什么好的方法治?
- This paper solves the problem that satisfy measure rule after fuzzy partition uxing curve membership function by adapting cosine square function as membership function. 采用馀弦平方函数作为隶属函数,解决了曲线型隶属函数在模糊化分后满足测量准则问题。
- In quantum electrodynamics two electrons obeyed Coulomb's inverse square law. 在量子电动力学两个电子听从库仑反平方定律。
- squar law linear envelope detector 平方律线性包络检波器
- cosine square function partition 余弦平方函数划分
- Coluomb's discovery of the inverse square law forms the basis of the science of electrostatics. 库伦发现的平方反比定律构成为静电学的科学基
- Everything has been squared away; we may start now. 一切都己准备就绪,我们现在就开始吧。
- Darling 8 months, long aphtha, the aphtha of square law child with good what does on-line friend door have excuse me? 宝宝八个月了,长口疮了,请问在线的朋友门有什么好的方法治小孩口疮吗?
- My house was squared away for my friends. 我的房子已布置好了,可以迎接朋友了。
- Introduced to cannot exhibit B - batten curved surface extends square law mediumly in shoe design system. 介绍了不可展B-样条曲面在鞋设计系统中的展平方法。
- This victory has squared the series. 赢了这一场,把这组赛事的总分拉平了。
- A falling apple in the garden at his home(according to his own notes)let him to the formulation of his inverse square law of gravitation. 可以译为:在牛顿家花园里一直掉落在地的苹果(按照他自己的记录)使他发现了表现为平方倒数关系的万有引力定律。
- This paper presents an analogue four quandrant multiplier depending on the square law of MOS transistors,which consists of 28 MOS transistors only. 介绍建立于MOS管平方特性,由28个CMOS管组成的四象限CMOS模拟乘法器。
- He has been squared to say nothing. 他已被收买,什麽也不说。
- The content that a lot of netizens upload to its does not own property, have square law to pester very easily by copyright. 许多网民对其上传的内容并不拥有所有权,非常容易遭到版权拥有方的法律纠缠。
- She squared her account at the store. 她在商店里结清帐目。