- Malpighian glomerulus 马尔皮基(氏)肾小球
- A normal glomerulus is shown diagramatically. 图示正常肾小球。
- By light microscopy, the glomerulus is normal with MCD. 光镜下,微小病变的肾小球是正常的。
- The glomerulus is composed of a ball of capillaries. 肾小球由毛细血管构成;
- Each glomerulus consists of a complex branching system of capillaries. 每个肾小球由复杂的毛细血管分支系统所组成。
- Malpighian glomeruli [医] 肾小球
- Malpighian glomeruli caudales 马尔皮基(氏)尾小球:肾小球
- In the kidney, blood pressure forces materials through the filter (glomerulus). 在肾脏,血压部队通过过滤材料(肾小球)。
- An area of collagenous sclerosis runs across the middle of this glomerulus. 胶状硬化的区域已经穿过肾小球的中央。
- The gonads open near the base of the abdomen and the excretory organs are usually Malpighian tubules. 生殖腺开口于近腹部基部,排泄器官通常为马氏管。
- Because of an affinity for epithelium, the virus attacks cells of the Malpighian. 由于对上皮细胞的亲和性,病毒侵袭皮肤的马尔毕基氏细胞。
- Psoriasis is a chronic illness that charactered by prostate of malpighian cell hyperplasia and Inflammatory cell infiltration of dermis. 银屑病是一种以角质形成细胞良性增生和真皮炎症细胞浸润为病理特征的慢性复发性疾病。
- Here is a glomerulus in which the capillary loops are markedly pink and thickened such that capillary lumens are hard to see. 图示肾小球,其中的毛细血管袢中呈明显的粉红色、管腔增厚,以至于毛细血管腔难以看见。
- One form, called hyaline arteriolosclerosis, is demonstrated by the markedly thickened arteriole to the lower right of this glomerulus with PAS stain. 经过PAS染色,可见连接右下方肾小球的细动脉已明显变厚,它就是被称为玻璃样变细动脉硬化的一种形态。
- The capillary loops of this glomerulus contain fat globules in a patient with fat embolism syndrome. 该脂肪栓塞患者的肾小球毛细血管腔内含有脂肪滴。
- Note in the lower left glomerulus that the capillary loops are markedly thickened (the so-called "wire loop" lesion of lupus nephritis). 左下角的肾小球毛细血管管壁显著增厚(狼疮性肾炎时的“线圈”征)。
- Malassezia can breakdown lipid like esterase,and result in morphological changes of malpighian cell and cell apoptosis,these are all their main etiological factors. 马拉色菌能像酯酶一样分解脂质,而且可引起角质形成细胞形态学改变和细胞凋亡,这些都是它的主要致病因素。
- It is known to be due to an abnormality of the isceral epithelial cells (podocytes) of the glomerulus. 众所周知,其原因是肾小球脏层上皮细胞(足细胞)异常。
- Belongs to chemotatic factor superfamily,IL-8 can induce heterophil granulocyte to center inflammation,make malpighian cell accrementition, strengthen vasopermeability. IL-8属于趋化因子超家族,可以诱导中性粒细胞向炎症部位趋化,使角质形成细胞增生,增强血管通透性及诱导IL-8血管增生,从而参与银屑病的发病过程。
- Diabetic Nephropathy (DN) is the pathological changes of glomerulus, calyx and renel vessel result from diabetes. 糖尿病肾病(Diabetic Nephropathy,DN)是指糖尿病时发生的肾小球、肾小管、肾间质和肾血管病变。