- A CT scan of the head initially suggested a malignant brain tumour as the lesion was quite inhomogeneous with hyper- and hypodense sections accompanied by fresh haemorrhage. 头颅CT扫描最初提示为恶性脑瘤,因为该病变有密度相当不均一的部分,合并广泛出血。
- We review recent data that stem cells of glioblastoma, a highly malignant brain tumour, seem to be dependent on cues from aberrant vascular niches that mimic the normal neural stem cell niche. 我们回顾了恶性胶质瘤干细胞的最新数据,其似乎依赖于模仿正常神经干细胞微环境的异常所提供的线索。这些数据对该肿瘤有着直接的意义。
- Six studies gave results for malignant brain tumours in that latency group. 有六个研究在潜伏期的族群当中发现恶性脑瘤。
- Malignant brain tumour 恶性脑肿瘤
- He was suffering from a brain tumour. 他当时正患脑瘤。
- Sam had died from a brain tumour. 山姆已死于脑瘤。
- An American doctor claimed that his use of mobile phones caused a brain tumour. 一个美国医生声称用手机导致了其脑部肿瘤。
- Our dog developed a brain tumour and went out of his mind, so reluctantly we had to have him put down. 我们的那条狗生了个脑瘤发疯了,所以,我们不得不把它杀了。
- Our dog developed a brain tumour and went out of his mind,so reluctantly we had to have him put down. 我们的那条狗生了个脑瘤发疯了,所以,我们不得不把它杀了。
- Owing to the success of malignant brain tumor trial in Japan1960 s, today, more and more countries spend resources to develop this treatment modality. 目前这种治疗方式正逐渐得到世界各先进国家的重视,尤其是核能技术发达的地区,莫不投注人力物力进行研究;其主要的原因,要归功于1960年代在日本恶性脑瘤临床试验的成果。
- Objective: To summarize experiences of nursing care of malignant brain neurogliocytoma patients undergoing perioral temozolomide as chemotherapy. 总结恶性脑胶质瘤病人口服化疗药物替莫唑胺的护理体会。
- Aim: To evaluate brain tumour risk among long-term users of cellular telephones. 目的:评估长期使用手机的使用者之脑瘤风险。
- Ependymoblastoma is a rare and highly malignant brain tumor considered to be a subtype of primitive neuroectodermal tumors. 摘要室管膜胚细胞癌为罕见及高度恶性之脑瘤,为原始神经表皮肿瘤之一种次类型。
- Then there was journalist Rainer Hoelz, who filmed the recovery of the Iceman, and who died of a brain tumour. 赖纳-赫尔茨,记者,曾用摄像机记录下这具木乃伊被发现的全过程。他死于脑肿瘤。
- Methods: Nursing care was carried out for a total of 26 cases with malignant brain neurogliocytoma before, during and after chemotherapy respectively. 对26例患有恶性脑胶质瘤病人施行化疗前、化疗中和化疗后的护理。
- Laser excited autofluorescence of brain tumour and accumulation of endogenous porphyrin[J]. 引用该论文 杨远龙;李黎明;叶衍铭;朱菁;张慧国.
- Lymphoid leukaemia, non-Hodgkin’s disease and brain tumour mortality were not associated with magnetic field exposure. 淋巴白血病、非霍奇金氏症及脑瘤死亡率与磁场暴露无关。
- In what's believed to be a first, the Duke team had identified two types of cells in the brain that can give rise to the malignant brain tumor medulloblastoma. 杜克大学的这个小组据信是首次在脑中确定了两种类型的细胞可以产生恶性脑肿瘤成神经管细胞瘤。
- ECoG might be of importment value in the localization of epileptogenic foci in the operation of patients with brain tumour and secondary epilepsy. 在脑肿瘤继发癫?患者手术中应用ECoG对准确探查癫?灶的部位及范围,指导手术切除范围,减少术后癫?发作有重要价值。
- Objective To study the expression of telomerase in brain tumor, and the relationship between telomerase activity and the progression of malignant brain tumor. 目的探讨脑肿瘤中端粒酶的表达情况,及其与恶性脑肿瘤发生和发展的关系。