- Make mine a tuna salad plate. 给我来一盘金枪鱼沙拉。
- A tuna salad sandwich and a glass of milk. 一份鲔鱼沙拉三明治和一杯牛奶。
- Make mine a chocolate milk shake. 给我巧克力泡沫牛奶。
- Make mine a cheeseburger and an iced coffee. 给我来点奶酪汉堡包和冰咖啡。
- Make mine a cub sandwich! What'd you think? 给我做个嫩肉三明治吧!你觉得怎样?
- Mitch:In that case, make mine a double cappuccino with extra foam. 米契:那样的话,我要双份的卡布奇诺,奶泡多加一些。
- a tuna salad sandwich and a glass of milk 一份鲔鱼沙拉三明治和一杯牛奶
- I ate some fruit followed by a tuna sandwich. 我吃完水果又吃了个金枪鱼三明治。
- I am a tuna fish,@ the voice replied. “我是一只鲔鱼,”那声音回答。
- A tuna can swim 100 miles in a single day. 金枪鱼一天能游100英里。
- Tigers will do anything for a tuna fish sandwich! 老虎为了吞拿鱼会不择手段!
- When he takes a bite of a tuna sandwich he begins to choke. 他咬了一口金枪鱼三明治,然后开始窒息。
- The two decorators worked slowly to make mine that paint was plastered on the furniture evenly. 两个装饰工人干得很慢,以确保家俱上的油漆被均匀地涂上。
- Flaked tuna salad on a bed of mixed lettuce with peppers, broad beans, olives and boiled egg. 新鲜的生菜混合柿子椒,宽豆,橄榄再配上吞拿鱼肉和水蒸蛋。
- Mine a little hot over here in Dakar Senegal. 在达喀尔塞内加尔的这里稍微热地挖掘。
- Sharp Cheddar cheese melted over our white Albacore tuna salad with sliced fresh tomatoes and sweet white onions. 香浓车打芝士、鲜蕃茄处及秘制金枪鱼色拉。
- The fact that all the people with food poisoning ate tuna salad sandwiches pointed to contaminated mayonnaise as the source of the illness. (所有食物中毒的人都吃了鲔鱼沙拉三明治,这个事实显示被污染的美乃滋是病源。)
- I don't like my steak too underdone. Make mine well done. 我不喜欢吃太生的,给我做熟一些。
- Our chilled white Albacore tuna salad, sweet white onions.Fresh tomatoes.Romaine lettuce leaves and herb-mustard vinaigrette. 秘制金枪鱼色拉、罗马生菜、鲜蕃茄片及香草芥末末油醋汁。
- But the supervisor there make mine look like a pussycat . 可是同那里的头头相比,我的头头就像只温驯的小猫。