- Maize seedling emergencestage 玉米芽苗期
- The effect of pendimethlin on cell mitosis of maize seedling advantitious root tip was studied inthis paper. 本文研究了除草通对玉米幼苗初生不定根根尖细胞有丝分裂的影响。
- Chl contents and CAT activity increased, root system activity decreased in maize seedling after treatment by SA for 3 days. 经过 3d水杨酸 (SA)处理的玉米幼苗叶绿素 (chl)含量、过氧化氢酶 (CAT)活性增加 ,根系活力下降。
- Spring drought and chilling injury are the key limiting weather factors to maize seedling situation in dryland maize regions of central Jilin. 摘要吉林中部旱作玉米地区,春旱和冷害是制约苗情的关键气候因素。
- The result indicated that relativity of ratio of restiain growth of radicel, embryo of maize and incidence of maize seedling blight was high.Index of relativity were 0.925, 0.919. 结果表明,串珠镰刀菌毒素对玉米胚根、胚芽生长抑制率与玉米苗枯病田间发病率相关性较高,相关系数分别为0.;925、0
- The diurnal variations of electrolyte leakage,MDA concentration and cell defense enzyme in leaves of maize seedling were synchronously measured under the artificial conditions. 人为控制环境下,对玉米幼苗叶片中电解质外渗率、MDA含量以及保护酶活性的昼夜变化同步进行了测定。
- Technique of Maize Seedling Raising in Early Spring 鲜食玉米早春催芽育苗技术
- Effects of Cl- to the Growth of Maize Seedling 氯离子对玉米幼苗生长发育的影响
- Effect of Combined Pollution of Aluminium(Al~(3+)) and Cationic Surfactant(CTAB) on Maize Seedlings. Al~(3+)和阳离子型表面活性剂复合污染对玉米幼苗的影响
- The results from pot experiment showed that the drought tolerance mechanism of osmotic regulation and antioxidation was all found in sorghum and maize seedlings. 摘要盆栽试验结果表明,高粱和玉米2种作物均存在渗透调节和抗氧化耐旱途径。
- The results showed that NO could completely reverse the inter-veinal chlorosis induced by iron deficiency and increase chlorophyll content in the leaves of maize seedlings. 电镜观察结果证实,NO促进了玉米叶片叶肉细胞和维管束鞘细胞中叶绿体的发育,叶绿体数量增多且体积增大,基质片层和基粒数量明显增多且结构完好。
- Zou C., Shen J., Zhang F., Guo S., Rengel Z. and Tang C.. 2001.Impact of nitrogen form on iron uptake and distribution in maize seedlings in solution culture. 郭世伟,周百娟,曹国军,李志达,金长荣,孙艳君,张大克,刘兆荣1995氮、磷、钾、硅肥配施对一年生落叶松苗生长状况的影响。
- The seedling have shrivel up a bit in the hot sun. 在炎热的太阳光下,幼苗已有一点乾枯。
- A New Rapid DNA Extraction Method from Single Maize Seedling 玉米单株幼芽DNA快速提取新方法
- Two cotyledons have come out from the seedling. 小苗长出了两片子叶。
- The seedling was frozen to death. 幼苗被冻死了。
- Maize is widely planted in the America. 玉米在美洲广泛种植。
- Analysis on the Factors to Affect Maize Seedling Come Out 影响玉米出苗的因素分析
- Effect of Lack Water on Maize Seedling and Physiological Index 缺水胁迫对玉米幼苗生长和生理指标的影响
- The results showed that: Maize Seedlings might be infected by RPV and RMV tow strains of BYDV.The major symptoms were slight-stripe-points on the maize leaf, with few Red leaf symptoms. 结果表明:BYDV的RPV(缢管蚜株系)和RMV(缢管长管蚜株系)侵染玉米幼苗,其症状以细条点症为主,很少产生红叶症。