- Maize hybrid combinations 玉米杂交组合
- Characteristics and Cultivation Techniques of Maize Hybrid'Jidan No. 玉米杂交种济单八号的品种特性及配套栽培技术。
- New Summer maize hybrid Suyu 14 was accomplished using self-selection inbred line 4A as female parent and T249 as male parent. 苏玉14是江苏沿江地区农科所以自选系4A作母本,通249作父本杂交育成。
- Many thousands of hybrid combinations must be tested for each new hybrid variety released to the public. 在每个新的杂交种向群众推广以前,要对成千的杂交组合做试验。
- Danke2158 is a maize hybrid which was combined with inbred line Dan799 as female parent and DH34 as male parent in Dandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences. 丹科2158是丹东农业科学院以自选系丹799为母本,DH34为父本组配而成的玉米单交种。
- Compared with conventional varieties, hybrid combinations possessed lower NUEp, higher NUEg and NHI. 3杂交籼稻的 NUEp在抽穗期高于常规籼稻 ,成熟期则低于常规籼稻 ;
- A new maize hybrid 'Liaodan 568'was bred in Maize Institure,Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences with Liao 8121 as female parent and Liao 9586 as male parent. 辽单568玉米杂交种是辽宁省农业科学院玉米研究所用自选系辽8121作母本,自选系辽9586作父本杂交选育而成。
- A complete DNA fingerprinting database of maize hybrid cultivars used in mountain of Guizhou was constructed with amplification profiles from 8 pairs SSR primer. 用这8对引物的指纹组合构建了贵州山区西山系列玉米杂交种的DNA指纹数据库。
- Maize hybrid Danyu41 was bred in Dandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences in the winter of 1998 by crossing Dan T136 as the female parent and Dan598 as the male parent. 玉米杂交种丹玉41是丹东农业科学院于1998年冬在海南以丹T136为母本,丹598为父本组配成的单交种。
- Maize hybrid Danyu No.87 was bred in Dandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences in the winter of 1997 by crossing Dan T135 as the female parent and Xi502 as the male parent. 玉米杂交种丹玉87号是丹东农业科学院于1997年冬在海南省以丹T135为母本,西502为父本组配成的单交种。
- The authors have analysed the changes of peroxidase isozyme of 18 parents in 13 hybrid combinations in the sprouting stage of tomato by m-eans of the zymogramic technique. 作者用酶谱技术分析了番茄13个组合的18个亲本芽期过氧化物酶同工酶变化情况。 按生长顺序分三次取样。
- With the material of 6 CMS lines, 7 restorer lines and 42 hybrid combinations, the GCA and VAR of SCA of yield traits, quality traits and bearing date were analyzed. 以6个不育系作母本和7个恢复系作父本交叉配组的42个组合为材料,系统观测了产量性状、品质性状和生育期,分析了亲本的一般配合力和特殊配合力方差。
- Maize hybridized combination 玉米杂交组合
- Good Maize Hybrid Variety Yuyu26 玉米优良杂交种豫玉26
- The Breeding of Maize Hybrid Danyu 47 玉米杂交种丹玉47的选育
- Breeding Report of Maize Hybrid Jindan 44 玉米杂交种晋单44的选育技术报告
- Liu J A,Mi G H,Chen F J,Zhang F S.Genotype differences on nitrogen use efficiency among maize hybrids[J].Plant Nutr.Fert.Sci.,2002,8(3):276-281. [8]刘建安;米国华;陈范骏;张福锁.;玉米杂交种氮效率基因型差异[J]
- Zhang X.M., C.H.Shi, J.G.Wu, G.L.Bao, S.H.Ye, T.Katsura, The relationship between essential amino acid contents of hybridized combinations and their parents. 张小明、石春海、吴建国、鲍根良、叶胜海和富田桂,杂交稻米必需氨基酸含量与亲本的关系。
- Zhang X.M., C.H.Shi, J.G.Wu, G.L.Bao, S.H.Ye, T.Katsura, The relationship between essential amino acid contents of hybridized combinations and their parents.Chinese J. 张小明、石春海、吴建国、鲍根良、叶胜海和富田桂,杂交稻米必需氨基酸含量与亲本的关系。
- Purity Test of Maize Hybrid Seed at Seedling Stage 玉米杂交种子苗期纯度鉴定技术研究