- Maize Breeding for High Yield 玉米高产育种研究
- Scientists win prize for high yield rice. 培育高产量稻种,科学家获奖。
- Nitrogen is the most important for high yield of rice. 氮对水稻高产最为重要。
- HNK +C2 treatment is the best for high yield and good quality. 综合产量和品质,以HNK +C2处理效果最好。
- Selective Breeding for Higher Yield Strains of Rifamycin Producer Nocardia Mediterranei 利福霉素产生菌高产菌株的选育
- The modern laying strains are bred for high egg production. 近代产蛋品系的培育,目的是为了高产蛋量。
- The Research on Cultivation of Alfalfa for High Yield and Good Quality in Minqin Desert Oasis. 民勤沙漠绿洲边缘紫花苜蓿丰产优质栽培技术探讨。
- Seedling and culture technique for high yield hazelnut hybrid Coylus heterophylla Fish and C. Avellapest L. 平欧杂交榛子育苗及丰产栽培技术。
- Maize breeding for drought resistance 抗旱玉米育种研究
- The key cultural technique for high yield through early seeding was to develop robust seedings. 通过早播达到高产的关键栽培技术是培育壮苗。
- We must strengthen breeding for high quality so as to improve appearance property and eating quality in the future. 在今后的晚粳育种中,必须加强优质育种,努力改善稻米的外观品质和食味品质。
- Research Progress on Maize Breeding for Resistance to Stalk Rot 玉米抗茎腐病育种研究进展
- A Review on Ideal Plant Type in Rice Breeding for Super High Yield 超高产水稻育种中理想株型研究进展
- Genetic Analysis of Yield and Its Components for High Yield Cultivar Simian 3 in G. Hirsutum L. 高产棉花品种泗棉3号产量及其产量构成因素的遗传分析。
- It is suggested that photosynthetic rate and PDLP, PDLA and PDDT of rice varieties at heading stage may be used as the physiological indexes of the breeding for high photosynthetic efficiency. 水稻品种抽穗期光合速率及其叶龄差、叶位差和时间差可作为高光效育种的生理指标。
- Thus bee- keeping is being promoted as an important measure for higher yields. 因此,目前养蜂事业正作为重要的增产措施加以推广。
- The cultivation techniques for high yield of healthy sweet maize 无公害甜玉米高产栽培技术
- The government is encouraging the warrener to rear the new breed for higher propagation. 政府正在积极鼓励养兔人饲养这个新品种以提高产量。
- Nitrogen is the most important nutrient for high yielding cultivation of rice plant. 氮是水稻高产栽培中最重要的养分。
- Integration of Physiological and Molecular Approaches in Maize Breeding for Drought Tolerance 应用生理学方法和分子手段进行玉米抗旱育种