- One of the main quality index of polyether is the potassium and sodium contents. 聚醚中钾、钠含量是其重要质量指标之一。
- Analysis is done to the property of the lining cork in the cased pilling tester. Conclusion is made that the surface friction performance and elasticity of the cork are the main quality index when the cork quality tested. 分析了箱式起球仪用内衬软木材料的性能,认为材料的表面摩擦性能和弹性是考核内衬软木复合材料的主要质量指标。
- Experiments have shown that the main quality indexes of CBE made with this method accirds with the demands for making chocolate. 用该法制得的类可可脂的主要质量指标通过测试,符合巧克力的生产要求。
- The melting point is a mains quality index of heat melts adhesives.And the bonding properties are influenced by the melting point and melting range. 熔点是衬布用热熔胶的一项主要指标,对粘接性能的体现有着重要的影响。
- The main quality indices of wheat varieties had an increasing tread with the rise of latitude. [Conclusion]HMW-GS score was closely related with nutritional quality of wheat. 随着纬度的升高,供试小麦品种的主要品质指标呈上升趋势。
- Test on Main Quality Index of Epidemic Preventive Ears Tags 防疫耳标主要质量指标的检测
- Analysis of physicochemical property and meaning about the main quality index on good quality Japonica Rice 水稻优质粳米主要品质指标理化性质与意义分析
- Main quality index 叶片品质指数
- Analysis report on main qualities index of the rap oil in Lhasa district 拉萨地区菜籽油主要品质指标的分析报告
- Flatness of aluminum plates is an important index to judge the accuracy and is also the main quality pro-blems in production. 强调了板形是衡量高精板带的重要指标,也是铝板带生产时最重要的质量问题之一;
- Effects of Temperature and Solar Radiation on Euphorbia pulcherrima Development and Main Quality Indices 温度和辐射对一品红发育及主要品质指标的影响
- The quality index and AppCNR of STIR-EPI were better than SPIR(P<0.05). STIR-EPI质量指数较高(P<0.;05);
- The degumming property and the quality index of retted fiber are analyzed. 分析了罗布麻脱胶前后胶质的变化和精干麻的品质指标。
- The main components of a new and highly effective and everlasting bactericide are introduced, including its quality index,mechanism and effective characteristic evaluation. 介绍了新型高效、长效杀生剂的主要成分、产品质量指标、有别于其他杀生剂的杀生机理及杀生特征的评定。
- Analysed the current situation of grain quality and heredity of the main quality in hybrid rice at present in our country. 分析了目前中国杂交水稻的米质现状及主要品质性状的遗传,指出当前中国杂交水稻优质育种已取得很大成就,尤其在直链淀粉含量和整精米率方面得到很大改善。
- Cetane number is an important quality index that the diesel oil burns. 柴油十六烷值是柴油燃烧的一项重要质量指标。
- The main quality problem in the lengthwise graphitzation process is pointed out. The reason caused the quality problem and the solving measures are discussed. 摘要提出了内串石墨化生产过程中出现的主要质量问题,并对产生的原因和控制预防措施进行了初步的分析探讨。
- As the key component of the solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC),the electrolyte has significant influence on the main quality of the performance and the cost. 电解质作为固体氧化物燃料电池(SOFC)的关键组件,很大程度上决定着燃料电池性能的优劣和成本的高低。
- We also presents the main quality pattern of QDMS,including quality forecast model,classification model and association model. 并介绍了质量数据挖掘的主要模型及方法,包括质量预测模型、分类模型和关联模型。
- The main quality which Ayurveda has borrowed from Charaka is its aim of removing the cause for illness and not just curing the disease itself. 阿育吠陀的主要性质是借鉴于查拉卡(脉轮,气脉),它的目的不仅仅是治疗疾病本身,而且还是除去疾病的起因。