- Effective source reservoir cap rock combination, and lateral blocking of mudstones are the main control factors of oil and gas accumulations in Darfur Group and Bentiu Formation. 有效的生、储、盖组合、泥岩的侧向封堵是Darfur群、Ben tiu组油藏最主要的控制因素
- The distribution of REE in carbonates and terrigenous rocks are synthetically studied,and the main control factors on REE distribution and evolution are discussed. 通过对鲁西沉积岩稀土元素含量特征的总结和多元统计分析,研究了鲁西碳酸盐岩、陆源岩中稀土元素的分布规律,探讨了其演化及控制因素。
- Effective combination of source, reservoir and cap rock, lateral sealing of mudstones are the main control factors of oil and gas accumulations in Darfur Group and Bentiu Formation. The main trap types are fault nose and fault anticline. 形成油藏的基本因素是圈闭是否具备有效的生、储、盖组合,其次泥岩的侧向封堵是形成Darfur 群、Bentiu 组和Abu Gabra组油藏最主要控制因素,主要油藏圈闭类型为断鼻、断背斜等。
- The main control factors of the forming of trace element of Br in groundwater and its relationship with the health of the people are demonstrated with plentiful and real materials in this paper. 本文以丰富的实际资料,论证了地下水中微量元素溴形成的主要控制因素及其与人群健康的关系。
- Baiyinchagan depression is a Mesozoic oil bearing depression in Erlian basin.The structure and its evolution is the main control factor for reservoir formation and hydrocarbon accumulation. 白音查干凹陷是二连盆地内的一个中生界含油凹陷,构造及其发育演化是油气成藏与富集的主要控制因素。
- The main controlling factors for the cruck-type volcanic reservoirs include tectonism and lithofacies. 构造作用和岩相是火山岩裂缝性储层发育的主要控制因素。
- The sedimental environment and the storage characteristic is main controlling factors of the reservoir characteristic. 胶结类型以接触-再生、孔隙-接触及混和式为主。
- The main controlling factors of embankment slope stability are engineering geological petrofabric,rockmass structure type and structure of embankment. 在岸坡稳定性分析评价中,控制岸坡稳定的主要因素有岸坡岩性组合特征、岩体结构类型和岸坡结构类型。
- The main controlling factors of reservoir delevoping are lithology, lithofacies and ancient weathering crust karstification. 储层发育的主要控制因素为岩性和岩相、古风化壳岩溶作用。
- It is pointed out that there are differences in main controlling factors of superposed style of the sequence stratigraphy in different morpho... 综合层序地层学和石油地质分析结果,提出了岩性油气藏勘探的有利区带。
- The tectonic evolution history of boundary orogenic zones and remnant sea basins are the main controlling factors to all the sedimentary process. 周缘造山带和残留海盆的构造演化是控制该区石炭二叠纪沉积演化的主要因素。
- Structural which has controlled many factors, such as the development of oil generation, source rock, cap rock and the fault, is the main control factor of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation. 构造是研究区油气成藏的主控因素,构造控制了生储盖发育与油气运移通道等成藏要素组合。
- The main controlling factor of the distribution and mutual replacement of the brachiopod communities is relative sea-level change. 控制腕足动物群落分布和相互取代的最主要因素是相对海平面变化。
- The sedimentary microfacies and diagenesis are considered as the main controlling factors of physical properties of the beach-bar sandstone reservoirs in the study area. 沉积微相和成岩作用是控制本区滩坝砂体储层物性的主要因素。
- Compaction disequilibrium or hydrocarbon generation is main controlling factor of different phases for the development and evolution of overpressure. 压实不均衡和生烃作用分别是本区超压发育、演化不同阶段的主控因素。
- This paper analyzed the geological characters, main controlling factors, and the mechanism of dissolution, migration and precipitation of Au in lateritic gold deposits. 对红土型金矿的地质特征、主要控矿因素、金的溶解迁移与沉淀富集机理进行了分析。
- Dai Jinxing, Zhong Ningning, Liu Dehan, Xia Xinyu, Yang Jianye and Tang Dazhen.1997.The Geological Base and Main Controlling Factors on the Large and Medium Coal Formed Gas Field.Beijing: Geological Publ.House. 戴金星;钟宁宁;刘德汉;夏新宇;杨建业;汤达祯.;1997
- The main controlling factors on fracture development in the Archeozoic reservoir of Ciyutuo buried hill involve the lithology,fault,depth,weathering,dissolution,magmatic intrusion,fissure assemblages and so on. 控制研究区太古界储层裂缝发育的因素有岩性、断层、深度、古风化作用、溶解作用、岩浆侵入、裂缝组合等。
- Objective To explore the main controlling factors of the medical expenses of 10 diseases inpatients to provide the rational gist of controlling the overage rise of the medical expense. 目的:探讨影响10种疾病病人住院医疗费用的主要支配因子,为控制住院医疗费用的过度增长提供理论依据。
- Analysis of the Main Control Factors of Natural Gas Enrichment 天然气富集的主控因素剖析