- How far is this Media Village to the Olympic Village and the Main Press Center? 这个媒体村离奥运村和主新闻中心有多远?
- The Main Press Center (MPC) is the central work place for the 5, 600 accredited written and photographic press covering the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. 主新闻中心(MPC)是北京2008年奥运会期间,5 600名注册记者注册文字和摄影媒体的工作总部。
- Hein Verbruggen spoke Tuesday at the opening ceremony for the Main Press Center, exactly one month before the Beijing Games are set to begin. 维尔布鲁根星期二在北京奥运主新闻中心在距北京奥运开幕整整一个月前交付使用的仪式上做出了上述表示。
- For wire connection, you can do it in your room, and you may also get through prepayment.As to wireless connection, you should also turn to the Main Press Center. 如果是有线上网,您在酒店房间里就可以上网,也可以通过收费卡预订上网服务。如果要无线上网,您得去主新闻中心咨询一下。
- Foreign media in China have confirmed that Chinese authorities are censoring journalists' Internet access at the main press center for the Beijing Olympics. 在中国的外国媒体证实,中国当局在北京奥运主要新闻中心对记者使用的互联网进行审查。
- Even the brand name of the toilets in the main press center was covered in tape, lest anyone think American Standard had paid to be the official urinal of the Beijing Games. 甚至连新闻中心的洗手间洁具商标都被胶带盖住,以免有人认为美标已经出资成为北京奥运的专用便池。
- It was impossible to enter the restrooms at the main press center without a volunteer waving you inside, then breaking out the official Olympic squeegee to dry the sink when you left. 进入媒体中心的洗手间时,绝对会有志愿者挥手指引,等你离开时,他们会取出奥运专用橡胶滚筒擦干洗手池。
- ONS is also responsible for a speedy and accurate distribution of printed results and news reports to the pigeonholes in the Main Press Center and venue media centers. 奥林匹克新闻服务还负责快速、准确地把打印好的成绩公布出来,以及把新闻报道发放到主新闻中心和场馆媒体中心的成绩公报柜内。
- At the circuit's press center, right? 是赛场的新闻中心,对吧?
- Grandstand and the press center. 看台和新闻中心构成的。
- Main Press Center 主新闻中心
- The mission of BOCOG Photo Services is to assist these elite photographers in creating the visual history of the Games by planning and managing the facilities and services for the accredited photographers both in MPC (the Main Press Center) and 37 competi 北京奥组委摄影服务的任务是为北京2008年奥运会主新闻中心和37个比赛场馆内的注册摄影记者提供设施和服务,以帮助这些优秀的摄影师来创造奥运会的影像历史。
- "Nest" the press center of a staff member told reporters. “鸟巢”新闻中心的一位工作人员告诉记者。
- Journalists at the main press centre in Yokohama have been given the chance to try out the Fevernova from the penalty spot, with the aim of hitting special targets in the goal. 正在横滨各主要新闻中心执行采访任务的记者们也有机会一试身手,他们可以在罚球点试踢"飞火流星",目标是踢中球网上的指定位置。
- According to focal mechanism,the directions of main press stress of the two are NNW in the seismic area but the fault plane solutions are different. 震区的主压应力为北北西方向,两震的受力方向基本一致,但断层面解明显不同。
- Their accreditation in "E" category and allowed for the venues and the Main Press Centre.However,they are not allowed in the IBC. 以“E”在大会证件上表示,凭此证件可以进入场馆和主新闻中心,但不能进入IBC。
- We shall hold a press conference at 3: 00 pm tomorrow at the press center and wish to see you all present. 我们将于明天下午3点在新闻中心举行新闻发布会,欢迎届时参加。
- Journalists at the main press centre in Yokohama have been given the chance to try out the Fevernova from the penalty spot,with the aim of hitting special targets in the goal. 正在横滨各主要新闻中心执行采访任务的记者们有机会一试身手,他们可以在罚球点试踢“飞火流星”,目标是踢中球网上的指定位置。
- The press center will cooperate with 10 domestic websites, including Xinhuanet.com, to launch the chatrooms. 新闻中心会和国内的10家门户网站合作.;包括新华网来建设聊天室
- The first chatroom will open to the public tomorrow, the press center of the NPC and CPPCC said yesterday. 第一个聊天室会在明天对公众开放;NPC和CPPCC的新闻中心昨天公布.