- Main Engine Ignition 主发动机点火
- It is used to control the main engine. 船长:这个是控制主机的。
- Overhauling main engine after sea trial. 主机航行试验后的拆检。
- Take the crank deflection of main engine. 测量主机的拐挡差。
- Where is the main engine located? 机舱位于什么部位?
- Why has the main engine stopped? 主机为什么停?
- Will you supply main engine lube oil in bulk or in barrel? 你供的主机滑油是散装,还是桶装。
- The engine ignition) Last month, Japan launched a lunar orbiter, the most technically complex mission to the moon since the Apollo program of the 1960s. 发动机点火)上个月,日本发射了一个绕月卫星,这是自1960年代的阿波罗发射以后,卫星飞向月球技术上最复杂的任务。
- Disconnect distributor wiring harness from main engine harness. 从主引擎线束上拆下分电盘线束。
- What kinds of main engine and generator engine have you worked on? 您都做过那种类型的主机和发电机?
- Consequently, fuel oil supply to the main engine is shut out. 从而,燃油供给主机被关闭。
- Function test of remote control system of main engine. 主机遥控系统性能试验。
- The main engine must undergo both mooring and sea trials. 主机必须经过系泊试验和航行试验。
- The main engine of transformation has been competition. 竞争一直都是变革的主要推动力量。
- In the control system of engine,the control of electronic control ignition equipment to the engine ignition consists of the following 3 parts:advanced ignition angle,conduction time and detonation. 在发动机控制系统中,电控点火装置对发动机的点火控制包括点火提前角控制、通电时间控制和爆震控制3个方面。
- Pleasewithdraw the tailshaft from inside. the main engine. 请从里面抽出尾轴。
- The main engine remote control unit of special form:CTY type. 主要是指诸如泥泵、消防泵柴油机等用于专用工况下的柴油机的遥控装置。
- The ignition system consists of the ignition power supply, engine ignition control, 2 ignition exciters, 2 spark igniters and 2 triaxial shielded ignition leads. 点火系统包括点火电源、发动机点火控制、2个点火励磁器、2个火花点火器及2个三相点火屏蔽线。
- Main engine lube oil auto back-washing filter overhauled and cleaned. 主机滑油自动反冲滤器解体,清洁。
- Aligning main engine's crank shaft and intermediate shaft after launching. 下水后主机曲轴和中间轴连接后校中。