- Zen and Mi both belong to Mahayana Buddhism. 禅宗和密宗都属于大乘佛教。
- Mahayana Buddhism must take the path of serving the mass public. 大乘佛法必须要走群众路线。
- Mahayana Buddhism spread from India into China and Japan. 大乘佛教由印度传入中国和日本。
- Books on Mahayana Buddhism were completely lost in India. 属于大乘佛教的佛典,在印度是完全消失的。
- Theravada Buddhism in mahayana Buddhism and some character is what? 小乘佛教和大乘佛教中都有的人物是哪些?
- No scholar can claim expertise in all areas of Mahayana Buddhism. 没有学者能够声称自己是大乘佛教所有领域里的专家。
- Mahayana Buddhism entered Central China, inhabited by the Han nationality. 世纪,大乘佛教传人汉人居住的中原地区。
- The two main schools of Mahayana Buddhism often debate this problem. 大乘佛教中的两大派别在这一问题上时常发生争论。
- Tantric Buddhism arose when Mahayana Buddhism was enjoying a period of great philosophical productivity and intellectual influence. 佛教的坦陀罗是由大乘佛教激发,享有一个伟大的哲学盛产时期,影响着知识分子。
- Ever since then, the monks of the temple became vegetarians and began to believe in Mahayana Buddhism. 从此,全寺和尚不再吃肉并改信大乘佛教。
- About the 2nd century, Mahayana Buddhism entered Central China, inhabited by the Han nationality. 大约在2世纪,大乘佛教传入汉人居住的中原地区。
- Compare the views of Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism on the Buddha, the bodies of the Buddha and the religious ideal. 对比对小乘和大乘佛教的佛像的看法,佛像的主体和宗教理想 上面是英文题 我稍微翻...
- The theories in this respect of the two schools have shown the core view and main feature of Mahayana Buddhism. 两派在这方面的主张展示了大乘佛教的核心思想和显著特色。
- This divergence of opinion is one of the fundamental differences between Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism. 这种意见分歧是上座部和大乘佛教之间的基本差异之一。
- But Mahayana Buddhism takes this symbolism a step further: "This flower doesn't grow in the highlands, but rather it blooms in the vile swamps. 但是在大乘佛教中,赋予了莲花更深远的意义:“这种花不愿盛开在高处,安于生长在恶劣的沼泽。”
- One should not forget that Newar Buddhism possesses quite a number of indigenous elements, which are not to be found in Indian Mahayana Buddhism. 我们记得尼瓦佛教具有相当的地方性色彩的特色,而这些并未在印度的大乘佛教发现过的。
- The Sky burial once existed in the Southeast Asia region and exists in the Tibet today both reflect the Indian Indic Mahayana Buddhism. 曾存在于东南亚地区和现存于我国西藏地区的鸟葬就是对印度佛教大乘密宗思想的反映。
- Mahayana Buddhism strongly advocates practicing medicine, or medical science and regards it as one of the five kinds of knowledge. 大乘佛教更是提倡学习五明(即五类知识),其中之一的“医方明”便是医药知识。
- This book is intended as an introduction to the ideas of Mahayana Buddhism, and also to some of the recent scholar work in the field. 这本书的写作是为了向读者们介绍大乘佛教的思想以及在这一领域中一些最新的学术成果。
- In the last twenty-five years there has been an immense increase in research and scholarly publication on all aspects of Mahayana Buddhism. 在最近的二十五年里,关于大乘佛教各方面的研究工作和学术书籍的出版都呈现出蓬勃发展的态势。