- Maekawa Tsutomu 前川力(1910-),日本人,理科教授。
- Maekawa or Asiasarum heterotropoides F. Maekawa 或辽细辛 Asiasarum heterotropoides F.
- It was observed that the growth vigour is strong,the yield is high and the quality is good on Youhou, Maekawa Jiro,etc. 结果表明,阳丰、前川次郎等品种树势强、产量高、品质较好,在我国北方地区可作为主栽品种;
- It is a constant condition that line conation Tsutomu's obtains that should be had. 行为能力的取得必须具有一定的 条件。
- Hannah is worried that the Maekawa’s thirteen-year-old daughter will be unimpressed at the idea of having to entertain a younger foreigner. 汉娜的担心Maekawa的十三岁女儿将用未受感动的想法去接受一个年轻外国人。
- Dr Tsutomu Nishida and colleagues evaluated whether oral glucose tolerance test was useful in evaluating the prognosis of liver cirrhosis. Tsutomu Nishida医生和同事评估口服葡萄糖耐量测验是否可用于评估肝硬化的恶化.
- Tsutomu Yamaguchi had already been a certified "hibakusha," or radiation survivor, of the 9 August 1945 atomic bombing in Nagasaki. 山口勉之前就已被认定为1945年8月9日长崎原子弹爆炸的“被爆者”,意思是辐射幸存者。
- "We've been seeing some improvement in wages," said Akira Maekawa, economist at UBS Securities, "and the jobless data would advance this improvement even further. 由于之前的经济复苏多源于出口贸易,这次国内消费的回升无疑将会进一步起到推波助澜的作用。
- Tsutomu Hata, a former Prime Minister is notorious for his ill-advised energy-saving office wear, created by simply chopping off the arms of conventional suits at the elbow. 日本前首相羽田孜曾建议把传统服装的衣袖自肘部剪下,以节省能源,结果证明此建议愚蠢之至,因为如此一来,衣服就像是吃醋的情人发了疯,也成为人们大肆嘲弄的对象。
- PTP BAS is a cytoplasmic PTP that has been originally cloned from a human basophilic leukaemia cell line by Maekawa and his colleagues in 1994. PTP BAS is expressed in various human tissues, especially in the kidney, lung and fetal brain at high levels. PTP BAS基因为编码具有蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酶活性的基因,1994年,Maekawa等最早将PTP BAS从人类嗜碱性粒细胞白血病的细胞株中克隆出其全长cDNA,并发现PTP BAS在多种人种组织中表达,特别是在肾脏、肺和胎脑中呈高表达。
- Maekawa jurisdiction, seven stars, stars and file,lin lin rain, after the river Ping Xanthii,sang bo beam capture and India, Mrjia wa , cattle grass lowland swamp, Shapo, Gong Liang village 12. 辖前川、七星、星佐、雨淋淋、后川、苍耳坪、桑卜梁、夺印、郑家洼、牛草窊、沙坡、巩家梁12个村委会。
- Tomoaki Ichikawa,Hironobu Sou,Tsutomu Araki.Ductpenetrating sign at MRCP:usefulness for differentiating inflammatory pancreatic mass form pancreatic carcinomas[J].Radiology 2001,221:107116. 曾荣苏,严福华,周康荣,等.磁共振动态增强和脂肪抑制技术在胰腺癌诊断中的价值[J].;临床放射学杂志,2000,19(11):703706
- Hasson Soha, Sasao Tsutomu, Brayton R.K.. Logic Synthesis and Verification. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers,2002 韩俊刚;杜慧敏.;数字硬件的形式化验证
- Maekawa Samio 前川佐美雄(1903-),日本人,歌人。
- Maekawa Tadao 前川忠夫(1909-),日本人,官员。
- Maekawa Tetsuo 前川哲夫(1930-),日本人,工会负责人。
- Maekawa Kazuo 前川一男(1922-),日本人,工会负责人。
- Sakamoto Tsutomu 坂本勉
- Maekawa Naoyoshi 前川尚美(1936-),日本人,官员。
- Mizutani Tsutomu 水谷力(1926-),日本人,参议员。