- Macrobrachium esculentumn. 绒掌沼虾
- Lycopersicon esculentum var. cerasiforme A lef. 樱桃番茄
- Lycopersicon esculentum var. cerasiforme Alef. 番茄
- Br.Asclepiadaceae Oxystelma esculentum(Linn. f.)F.A.Schult. 中文名 所属卷 所属科 拉丁名 尖槐藤 Oxystelma R.
- A widely cultivated South American plant(Lycopersicon esculentum) having edible, fleshy, usually red fruit. 蕃茄,西红柿一种广泛种植的南美植物(番茄番茄属),果实通常呈红色,可食多肉
- This thesis described the relationship of organelles in the oocyte with vitellogenesis in Macrobrachium rosenbergii. 作者研究了罗氏沼虾卵母细胞细胞器与卵黄发生的关系。
- An annual Asian plant(Fagopyrum esculentum) having clusters of small whitish or pinkish flowers and small, seedlike, triangular fruits. 荞麦一年生的亚洲植物(荞麦荞麦属),有成串的白色或粉色小花,象种子似的三角形小果实
- Polyculture Technique of Macrobrachium nipponensis (de Haan) and Eriocheir sinensis H. Milne-Edwards (池塘青虾Macrobrachium nipponensis (de Haan)与河蟹Eriocheir sinensis H.
- Rhopilema esculentum Kiahinouye and Stomolophus meleagris L.Agassig belong to Coelentera. 海蜇和沙蜇是同属于腔肠动物门的大型食用水母,分为伞部和口腕部两部分。
- Macrobrachium nipponense, Macrobrachium rosenbergii and Penaeus vannmei are all classified as Arthropoda, Crustacea, Decapoda, Natantia. 日本沼虾(Macrobrachium nipponense)、罗氏沼虾(Macrobrachium rosenbergii)和南美白对虾(Penaeus vannmei)都属节肢动物门甲壳纲十足目游泳亚目虾科,是我国主要的水产养殖虾类。
- Fagopyrum esculentum) having clusters of small whitish or pinkish flowers and small, seedlike, triangular fruits. 荞麦一年生的亚洲植物(荞麦荞麦属),有成串的白色或粉色小花,象种子似的三角形小果实
- The developmental process of compound eyes of Macrobrachium nipponense was studied by light microscope during the embryonic and larval stages. 摘要用光镜研究了日本沼虾胚胎及幼体复眼外形和组织结构发育过程。
- A widely cultivated South American plant (Lycopersicon esculentum) having edible, fleshy, usually red fruit. 蕃茄,西红柿:一种广泛种植的南美植物(番茄番茄属),果实通常呈红色,可食多肉
- XI Yi-long,TAN Qi-kun.Histological study on the antennal gland of Macrobrachium nipponense[J].Chinese Journal of Zoology,1995,30(5):1-2. [5]席贻龙;谈奇坤.;日本沼虾触角腺组织学的初步研究[J]
- The changes of Golgi apparatus during spermatogenesis of Macrobrachium nipponense were studied with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) . 用透射电镜技术研究了日本沼虾精子发生过程中生精细胞内高尔基体的变化。
- An annual Asian plant(Fagopyrum esculentum)having clusters of small whitish or pinkish flowers and small,seedlike,triangular fruits. 荞麦一年生的亚洲植物(荞麦荞麦属),有成串的白色或粉色小花,象种子似的三角形小果实
- The experiment used acetic oxide to dispose of the pollen in honey of Sesaaum Indcum and Fagopyrum esculentum to distinguish the quality of honey. 本文以芝麻蜜、荞麦蜜为材料 ,以醋酸酐分解法为手段 ,探讨了利用蜂蜜中的花粉来鉴别蜂蜜质量优劣的问题。
- The paper dealed with the rations of the larvae of different stages and the effect of early period of starvation of the larvae of Macrobrachium rosenbergii. 在室内实验条件下,对罗氏沼虾各期蚤状幼体摄食卤虫无节幼体量及早期饥饿对蚤幼发育变态的影响进行了试验。
- Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) belongs to Lycopersicon genus of Solanaceous. It is warm-season planted and derives from Ecuador in Peru. 番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill),属于茄果类番茄属,原产秘鲁厄瓜多尔一带的喜温植物。
- Scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy were used to examine the morphology and distribution of antennular sensilla of the Macrobrachium nipponense. 应用扫描电子显微镜对日本沼虾第一触角触鞭上各种感受器的分布情况和形态结构进行了观察。