- Machine tool Industry in India 印度机床工业
- The open CNC system has become the trend of development of machine tool industry in long-term competition. 开放式计算机数控系统已成为面向未来机床工业竞争的必然发展趋势。
- Indian Machine Tool Industry in Late Years 近年来的印度机床工业
- Korea Machine Tool Industry in Late Years 近年来的韩国机床工业
- The Development Strategy for CNC Machine Tool Industry in Shanghai 上海数控机床的发展战略
- New assembly plant for Liebherr machine tools in India. 利勃海尔在印度新建了一个生产组装机床的工厂。
- GLD Company, as a key enterprise in machine tool industry, should grow into a pioneer for essential changes in growth mode of machine tool industry. GLD公司作为我国机床工具行业内的重点骨干企业,应该成为带动这种转变的先锋。
- Liu R. and Brookfield, J., “Stars, Rings and Tiers: Organisational Networks and Their Dynamics in Taiwan's Machine Tool Industry”, Long Range Planning, 33, pp. 322-348, 2000. 李仁芳,台湾产业创新阶段的演化:回顾与前瞻,政大科技管理研究所,台北,民国九十一年。
- High-Speed and Low-Noise Numerical Controlled Machine Tool Industrialism. 高速低噪声数控机床高技术产业化。
- The film industry in India is the most prolific in the world, making thousands of action/romance/ musicals every year. 印度的电影产业在整个世界来看很是发达,每年有数以千计的动作片或感情片或音乐片。
- The production of metallic yarns is an important niche market in the metallizing industry in India. 生产的金属丝是一个重要的细分市场中的金属业在印度。
- Our firm is represented in India by Mr Hall. 我公司驻印度代表是霍尔先生。
- The caste system is still strong in India. 种姓制度在印度仍然很牢固。
- Machine tool production and sales company, the market share forefront of the domestic industry, in high volume CNC machine tool industry to enter some areas of the core manufacturing. 目前公司机床产销量、市场占有率居国内同行业前列,中高档数控机床批量进入一些行业的核心制造领域。
- Gear Grinder Machine Tool Industry as the "crown jewel", is widely used in automobile, aerospace, military and other industries. 齿轮磨床被誉为机床工具工业"皇冠上的明珠",广泛用于汽车、航天、军工等行业。
- A copper coin formerly used in India and Pakistan. 安那旧时在印度和巴基斯坦使用的铜币
- On behalf of all AMT member companies I congratulate the China Machine Tool &Tool Builders’ Association, and the entire Chinese machine tool industry on the opening of this great show. 值此盛会开幕之际,我代表美国制造技术协会的全体会员公司,向中国机床工具工业协会和中国机床工业的全体同仁致以衷心的祝贺。
- In India the cow is a sacred animal. 在印度,牛是神圣的动物。
- So far 5 projects have joined Doosan NC machine tools industry chain, and Yantai ETDZ equipment manufacturing industry group grows further. 至此,加入斗山数控机床产业链的项目达到5个,烟台开发区装备制造产业群进一步壮大。
- She gave the society an illustrated talk on her travels in India. 她在协会中借助图片讲述其印度之行。