- Machine guns blazed. 机枪扫射
- Nagase Blaze, watch your machine gun ammo reserves. 注意你的机枪子弹数量。
- Machine guns opened up from a concealed position. 机关枪从隐蔽的阵地开始射击。
- Our guns blazed away at the enemy. 我方大炮持续不断地向敌人射击。
- At daybreak our machine guns opened up. 黎明时,我们的机枪开火了。
- The enemy's machine gun was put out of action. 敌人的机枪被打坏了。
- Snow Blaze, you're Winchester. Zero machine gun ammo left. 你简直就是温切斯特连发布枪。机炮里一颗子弹都没得列。
- This toy machine gun dismantles easily. 这种玩具机关枪很容易拆卸。
- The machine guns cut up the enemy like swords. 机枪像利箭把敌人打得个稀巴烂。
- At daybreak our machine guns opened fire. 黎明时,我们的机关枪开火了。
- We put the enemy's machine guns out of action. 我们把敌人的机关枪打哑。
- They captured three machine guns. 他们缴了三挺机枪。
- The machine gun hailed over our heads. 机关枪的火力压得我们抬不起头来。
- The machine gun was suspiring fire. 机枪吐着火舌。
- In the distance machine guns were blazing. 机关枪在远处不停地射击。
- The machine guns blasted away non-stop. 机关枪嗒嗒地扫射个不停。
- The machine gun is banging away. 机关枪在不停地射击。
- The bullets will soon feed into the machine gun. 这些子弹马上要装入机枪。
- A machine gun opened up from a concealed position . 机枪从隐蔽阵地开火。
- To fire at or kill with a machine gun. 用机枪射击或杀死