- The other species not getting protection include the northern rockhopper penguin and the macaroni penguin. 其他未获得保护的种类包括冠企鹅和长冠企鹅。
- The penguin is a flightless bird. 企鹅是一种不会飞的鸟。
- Macaroni Penguinn. 长冠企鹅
- I wonder if you stock any Penguin jacket? 不知你们是否有企鹅牌茄克衫?
- The birth of a baby penguin in the zoo was widely reported. 动物园里小企鹅的出生受到了广泛的报道。
- Macaroni tastes different from spaghetti. 通心面的味道与意大利细面条不同。
- Maybe you'd like the macaroni and cheese. 也许你想要通心粉和乳酪。
- Steve: I like to eat macaroni and cheese sometimes. 史提夫:有些时候我喜欢吃起士通心粉.
- Incapable of flying. Used of certain birds, such as the penguin. 鸟不会飞的不能飞行的。用于指企鹅等某类鸟
- Dish of macaroni with a cheese sauce. 乾酪通心面。
- He sat down to a great dish of macaroni. 他坐下来吃了一大碗通心粉。
- The penguin is a very cute bird. 企鹅是很可爱的动物。
- Stuck a feather in his hat and called it macaroni. 他帽子上插着翎毛,被人叫做纨绔子弟。
- Those meat and macaroni cost me 25 Yuan. 这些肉和通心粉花了我25块钱。
- B. Hmm. I think I'd prefer macaroni and cheese. 嗯,我想我还是要通心粉和奶酪吧。
- The penguin parents sat on the egg for days on end. 企鹅爸爸和企鹅妈妈连续好几天坐着孵蛋。
- In macaroni earth Lane worry about firewood. 在浮华尘世里操心柴米油盐。
- I wonder if you stock any Penguin jackets? 不知你们是否有企鹅牌茄克衫?
- Since when do you not like macaroni and cheese? 你什么时候开始不喜欢通心粉加奶酪的?
- The penguin comes to a jar with a sickle. 拿着镰刀的企鹅,来到一只坛子前。