- Macaca tonkeanan. 汤基猕猴
- The result was the same in Macaca fasicularis. 食蟹猴的杂交结果与恒河猴完全一致。
- At a rally Allen called him macaca and added "welcome to America". 在一次集会中,阿伦称他为猕猴并补充说“欢迎到美国来”。
- At a rally Allen called him macaca and added "welcome America". 在一次集会中,艾伦称自己为“黑佬”并附加“欢迎来美国”。
- One of the common disease of farming Macaca Fascicularis. 直肠脱垂是人工繁育食蟹猴生产中的一种常见病、多发病。
- Any of several short - tailed monkeys of the genus Macaca of southeast Asia, Japan, Gibraltar, and northern Africa. 猕猴任一种短尾猕猴属猴子,生活在东南亚、日本、直布罗陀和北非
- A monkey(Macaca silenus)of south - central Asia, having a glossy black coat and a ruff of gray hair about the face. 狮尾猕猴亚洲中南部一种猴,(狮尾猕猴猕猴属),体表黑色且有光泽,脸部有灰色绉颌
- A monkey(Macaca silenus)of south - central Asia,having a glossy black coat and a ruff of gray hair about the face. 狮尾猕猴亚洲中南部一种猴,(狮尾猕猴猕猴属),体表黑色且有光泽,脸部有灰色绉颌
- Six monkeys (macaca mulatta) and seven pigeons were used as Ss in the experiment. 六只恒河猴和七尽鸽子用作实验动物。
- A monkey(Macaca silenus) of south-central Asia, having a glossy black coat and a ruff of gray hair about the face. 狮尾猕猴亚洲中南部一种猴,(狮尾猕猴猕猴属),体表黑色且有光泽,脸部有灰色绉颌
- If Asian macaques (Macaca mulatta) infection of this virus, a severe immunodeficiency, and even death. 非洲绿猴将艾滋病毒传染给了人,随之广为传播至全世界。
- OBJECTIVE:To study heroin-dependent macaca mulatta model through contrast to morphie-dependent Macaca mulatta. 目的:用吗啡依赖猴作对比,对海洛因依赖猴模型进行研究。
- Any of several short-tailed monkeys of the genus Macaca of southeast Asia, Japan, Gibraltar, and northern Africa. 猕猴任一种短尾猕猴属猴子,生活在东南亚、日本、直布罗陀和北非
- Method DNA polymorphic microsatellites of macaca rhesus were analyzed using PCR technique in 20 macaca rhesuses. 方法利用聚合酶链反应(PCR)扩增技术对20只恒河猴群个体间进行了DNA多态性的分析。
- A brownish monkey (Macaca mulatta) of India, used extensively in biological and medical research. 恒河猴,猕猴:印度的一种浅棕色猴(猕猴),广泛用于生物和医学研究
- Senator Allen called Indian-American S.R.Sidarth "macaca," which in some places means "monkey. 议员A将印地安人SR称为M,这在一些地方意味着猴子。
- Epidermal patterns of palms of 32 Taihang Macaca Mulatta (16 males and 16 females) were examined. 本文对32只太行猕猴的掌面花纹进行观察。
- Objective In order to set up an accurate and convenient method for genetic assessment of macaca rhesus. 摘要目的确立一种对恒河猴群个体的遗传物质进行准确可靠、快速简便的遗传检测方法。
- Ye Zhizhang, Peng Yanzhang and Zhang Yaoping1985 The Anatomy of the Rhesus macaques( Macaca mulatta). Science Press, Beijing, China. 叶智彰、燕章、耀平1985猕猴解剖。科学出版社,北京。
- The endangered lion-tailed macaque (Macaca silenus)) has only one home, the dense rain forests of the Western Ghats mountain range. 濒临灭绝的狮尾猿(狮尾猕猴)只栖息在南印度的西高止山脉一带。