- 手册manual
- 用户手册user manual
- MSA矩MSA moments
- 马来酸酐(MSA)maleic anhydride
- 参考手册reference manual
- 基于MSA的智能火灾报警系统Intelligent Fire Alarm System Based on MSA System
- 使用手册user's guide
- 管理和协调不同部门的MSA实施Management and coordination of MSA implementation for different divisions
- 操作手册operation manual
- MSA在压力试验机精度检测中的应用研究Study on application of MSA in precision inspection of compression testing machine
- 员工手册employee manual
- 词汇手册nomenclator
- 对于已经建立乐的特许经营企业,MSA帮助他们的失业和工作的成长,达到运营的下一个阶段。For established franchisors, MSA helps them grow their businesses and works with them to achieve the next level of performance.
- 宣传手册pamphlet
- 维修手册maintenance handbook
- 多序列比对(Multiple Sequence alignment -MSA)是生物信息学中最重要、也是最有挑战性的任务之一。Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) is one of the most important and the most challenge work in bioinformatics.
- 这些优势显示了MSA事实上可以用于任何涉及焊锡和铅的电镀操作中,MSA也是镀锡或巴氏金属镀的首选电解质。These advantages suggest the use of MSA in virtually any plating operation involving solder or lead. MSA is also the electrolyte of choice for wire coating with tin or for Babbitt metal plating applications.
- 安全手册security manual
- 对于第一次探索特许经营的企业管理者,MSA会提供一个客观的估算来帮助他们决定特许经营是否迎合他们的公司目标。For business owners exploring franchising for the first time, MSA provides an objective evaluation to help them determine if franchising can actually meet their goals.
- 质量手册quality manual