- MB shuffling 宏块乱序
- One of the orderlies, Levy was shuffling the cards. 一个叫莱维的勤务兵正在洗牌。
- It has 64 MB of internal memory, too. 它1964年甲基溴内部记忆的一部分.
- Have at least15 in hawk, but make sure to max MB. 至少要点15点老鹰,不过要记得点满致命箭。
- Shuffling the lineup hasn't done the trick. 调动先发选手的打击顺序并没有产生好结果。
- Some one was shuffling by on the sidewalk. 外面的人行道上有人拖着脚走过。
- It also has64 mb of memory and a long battery life. 它还具有64甲基溴的记忆和长电池寿命.
- MB Hard Drive Space is required. 硬盘空间。
- The solution was paper shuffling. 解决办法是从新洗牌。
- MB of available hard disk space. 的可用硬碟空间。
- English: Watch shuffling in progress? 是否观看打乱过程?
- The default maximum size is 128 MB. 默认最大大小为128 MB。
- Don't aggravate the teacher by shuffling you feet. 别拖着脚走,以免惹恼了老师。
- The default size of the data store is 400 MB. 数据存储的默认大小为400 MB。
- The dealer was shuffling the cards. 发牌者正在洗牌。
- This directive increases the buffer to 2 Mb. 此指令将缓冲区增加到2 Mb。
- We heard his feet shuffling down the hall. 我们听到他拖着脚走下大厅。
- The size of each shared memory segment in MB. 以MB为单位的每个共享内存块的大小。
- Is the initial log file size in megabytes (MB). 以兆字节(MB)为单位的初始日志文件大小。
- When installed, it takes up 5 MB of space. 安装时;它占了5MB的空间.