- Lymantria singapuran. 新加坡毒蛾
- While we sing "Majulah, Singapura! 我们在欢唱:“前进吧:新加坡啦!”
- Research Progress of the Biological Control for Lymantria dispar L. 舞毒蛾生物防治研究进展。
- Population Dynamics Prediction Techniques of Lymantria dispar L. 舞毒蛾种群动态测报技术。
- Preliminary Study on the Forecasting and Control Method of Lymantria dispar L. 舞毒蛾测报与防治方法的初步研究。
- Study on the Biological Characteristics and Control of Lymantria dispar L. 舞毒蛾生物学特性及防治。
- Species (Lymantria dispar) of tussock moth, a serious pest of trees. 鳞翅目毒蛾科昆虫。
- Do we "delete" Singapura that existed from the 12th to 13th centuries from our history books? 12至13世纪的新加坡拉(Singapura)王朝要从新加坡史册“开除”吗?
- While we sing "Majulah, Singapura! ", we must gel ever together with one heart and soul to make even greater efforts for our country, our future. 我们在欢唱:“前进吧:新加坡啦!”的同时,必须上下一心,团结一致,为新加坡未来的光明前途,作出更大的努力。
- Singapore's National Anthem Majulah Singapura, Singapore's Pledge and the Singapore flag are... 更甚的是,在这两天的活动,我们不只看到了各个营员...
- While we sing "Majulah,Singapura! ",we must gel ever together with one heart and soul to make even greater efforts for our country,our future. 我们在欢唱:“前进吧:新加坡啦!”的同时,必须上下一心,团结一致,为新加坡未来的光明前途,作出更大的努力。
- While we sing "Majulah,Singapura!",we must get together with one heart and soul to make even greater efforts for our country,our future. 我们在欢唱:“前进吧:新加坡!”的同时,必须上下一心,团结一致,为新加坡未来的光明前途,作出更大的努力。
- La China kaj Singapura registaroj planis establi pli hejtajn sensilojn en aviadila kaj mara havenoj ekrani atingajn pasagherojn. ” (中国和新加坡政府计划在机场和海关安装更多的热传感器监视到达的旅客。
- While we sing "Majulah, Singapura!", we must get together with one heart and soul to make even greater efforts for our country, our future. 我们在欢唱:“前进吧:新加坡啦1的同时,必须上下一心,团结一致,为新加坡未来的光明前途,作出更大的努力。
- And prior to Singapura,there was the Temasek period. If we do not acknowledge this,many schools and even the highest presidential award that carry the name Temasek will need to have it replaced with something else. 比新加坡拉更早还有淡马锡时代,如果不承认有这时代,新加坡好多以淡马锡为名的学校、总统颁赐的最高功绩勋章,都要改名了。
- Lymantria dispar L. 舞毒蛾
- And prior to Singapura, there was the Temasek period. If we do not acknowledge this, many schools and even the highest presidential award that carry the name Temasek will need to have it replaced with something else. 比新加坡拉更早还有淡马锡时代,如果不承认有这时代,新加坡好多以淡马锡为名的学校、总统颁赐的最高功绩勋章,都要改名了。
- European moth (Lymantria dispar) having hairy caterpillars that feed on foliage and are destructive to trees and shrubs. It was introduced into the United States in the late 1800's. 舞毒蛾:一种欧洲飞蛾(舞青蛾青蛾属)幼虫多毛,以树叶为食,对树木和灌木有害。19世纪末传入美国
- Huang, C.C., M.J. Lee, and R.S. Chen。2000。Insect pests of Casuarina equisetifolia and parasitoids of Lymantria xylina Swinhoe. Proceedings of the 3rd Regional Workshop of IUFRO 7.03.08. PP.87-97. 李明仁;陈玮仁;苏碧华;王露仪1999台湾松材线虫之致病性及核酸多型性遗传变异.;中华林学会88年会特刊p
- Biological control of gypsy moth (lymantria dispar) 舞毒蛾(吉卜赛飞蛾)的生物防治