- Lozenge - Same as Cubes. 菱形物-同立方体。
- She felt just the same as he did. 她和他的感受相同。
- Twins look the same as each other. 双胞胎看上去长得一样。
- The same as stated above or before. 同上,同前与上述或前述相同
- The imperial gallon is not the same as the US gallon. 英制的加仑和与美制的容量不同。
- This answer must be a crib: it's exactly the same as Jones's. 这个答案可能是抄袭来的,跟琼斯的答案一模一样。
- Kindly oblige us by realizing same as advantageously as possible. 请以尽可能有利的价格出售,我们深表谢意。
- Same as usual, very busy. I've gone to a fashion show held in Paris. 老样子,很忙。我去了一个在巴黎举行的时装展。
- Two plus one is not the same as two minus one. 2加1和2减1不一样。
- Your bookcase is exactly the same as mine. 你的书柜和我的书柜完全一样。
- This is the same as it was before. 这个与以前一样。
- Double- clicking a control- menu box is the same as choose the close command. 双击一个控制菜单框与选择关闭命令具有相同作用。
- She knew he felt just the same as she did . 她知道,他的感受和她的一样。
- She wears the clothes which are the same as mine. 她穿着和我一样的衣服
- The books Green uses are the same as mine . 格林使用的书和我的书一样。
- The price is the same as before the war . 价格与战前相同。
- Are the rules the same as those of the pro? 业余拳击赛的规则与职业拳击赛的规则相同吗?
- This picture is almost the same as that one. 这幅画和那幅画差不多一样。
- Four times three is the same as three times four. 3乘以4和4乘以3一样。
- We will mark the packages the same as before. 我们将在货包上刷上和以前一样的唛头。