- Although the filtering surgery for glaucoma is the most effective therapy of lowering intraocular pressure,it has risks and complications. 抗青光眼滤过性手术是一种最有效的降眼压治疗方法,但它又有一定的风险和并发症。
- Some people with glaucoma use marijuana because research has found that it has a small effect in lowering intraocular pressure. 有些患者应用大麻治疗青光眼,因为有研究表明大麻有轻度降低眼内压的作用。
- The strategies include lowering intraocular pressure,neuroprotection and preventing wound healing in glaucoma filtration surgery. 青光眼基因治疗的策略包括降眼压、视神经保护及抑制滤过术后瘢痕形成等方面。
- Lowered intraocular pressure 眼内压降低
- Can high intraocular pressure develop glaucoma? 高眼压会发展成青光眼吗?
- Intraocular pressure was measured in each group with GAT and DCT. 各组分别用DCT和GAT测量眼压。
- If glaucoma is diagnosed early, eyedrops or surgery to lower intraocular pressure can often preent further optic-nere damage and halt ision loss. 如果青光眼能即早被诊断出,通过外科手术和滴眼药水可以降低眼内压,从而能够预防视觉神经进一步被损伤或全部损害而失明。
- 350-mm2 Baerveldt implant is effective in lowering intraocular pressure in most patients in pseudophakic eyes with refractory glaucoma and less severe operative complications. 350-mm2Baerveldt青光眼引流管植入物在治疗合并人工晶体植入术后的难治性青光眼中,大部分患者能有效的降低眼压,并且出现较少的严重手术并发症。
- Trabecular meshwork (TM) transplantation is a replacement of the diseased TM by the functioning TM to lower intraocular pressure. 小梁移植是移植有功能的小梁取代病损小梁,以达到降眼压的目的。
- After short term (average four months) follow up half of them get good result.The other half get too low intraocular pressure due to misuse the large silastic tube as seton. 应用此植入体试行施术于10名末期新生血管性青光眼之患者,经短期追踪已获初步之良好效果。
- The central part of cornea is the best site for measuring intraocular pressure. 角膜中心是测量眼内压的最佳位置。
- The intraocular pressure of 13 eyes has temporally increased postoperatively. 术后暂时高眼压13例。
- The isual acuity, intraocular pressure (IOP), and complications were analyzed. 分析视力、眼压和并发症。
- Multivariate regression analysis revealed that high intraocular pressure, low educational level, the women, obtaining less comfort from family, without interesting to the sounding activities were the main factors for the alexithymia. 多元逐步回归分析示眼压高、文化程度低、女性、从家中得到安慰少、对周围活动无兴趣等为病人述情障碍发生的主要影响因素。
- After discontinuing corticosteroid eye drops and giving treatment to lower intraocular pressure, all four patients responded well, with clear cornea and significantly improved visual acuity. 停止使用类固醇眼药水,并给予降眼压药物治疗后,这四个病人反应很好,角膜回复清澈,视力也明显改善。
- To determine the association of central corneal thickness (CCT) and isual field progression in patients with chronic primary angle-closure glaucoma (CPACG) with low intraocular pressure (IOP). 探讨低眼压性慢性原发性闭角型青光眼(CPACG)患者的中央角膜厚度(CCT)和视野损害进展之间的关系。
- People with elevated intraocular pressure are at greatest risk for developing glaucoma. 眼睛承受巨大压力的人们最有可能发展成青光眼。
- The deer lowered its head to drink from the pond. 鹿低下头去喝池塘里的水。
- An estimate of intraocular pressure can be obtained by palpation of the globe through the lids. 眼压可以通过在眼睑上对眼球触诊来估计。
- A. multi-analysis was made from etiology, operation methods, intraocular pressure (IOP) control and so on. 结果9例眼内炎症均得到有效控制,其中7例术后眼压控制理想,2例2次行睫状体光凝术。