- "But at the same time, a horizontal pulling power inside the lower continental crust and mantle of the earth counteracts this upward movement," said Bian. “但同时,从下地壳一直到地幔上部在产生一种东西拉张的力量,这种拉力对喜马拉雅山的继续升高起到了阻碍作用。”
- This kind of unusual eclogite provides an opportunity to study the deep subduction of mafic lower continental crust and its recycling and effects on the mantle heterogeneity. 大别山这种不寻常的镁铁质下地壳俯冲成因榴辉岩为研究大陆深俯冲和陆壳物质再循环以及对地幔不均一性的影响提供了重要对象和可能性。
- delaminated lower continental crust 拆沉陆壳
- The Possible Effect of Hydrogen on the High Electrical Conductivity in the Lower Continental Crust 大陆下地壳高电导率的起源:矿物中的结构水
- Priviminary Research on Neo Archean Lower Continental Crust(Lower Crust) and Its Nature 冀西北新太古代下部陆壳及其性质初探
- Gao S.Rudnick, R. L.Yuan, H. L Recycling Lower Continental Crust in the North China Craton 2004 陈丕基.;王启飞
- Lower continental crust 大陆下地壳
- Dynamic model for Pb isotope evolution in the continental crust of China. 中国大陆地壳铅同位素演化的动力学模型。
- The formation of granulite and its contribution to evolution of the continental crust. 麻粒岩的形成及其对大陆地壳演化的贡献。
- The continental crust is much thicker than average beneath the great mountain belts. 在高山地带下面的大陆地壳,其厚度要比平均厚度大得多。
- Late Archean and Early Proterozoic were the main period for the formation of continental crust. 晚太古宙和早元古宙是陆壳形成的主要时期,并已具现今板块活动特征。
- Dahuabei granite gensis of Wulashan gold deposit belongs to the continental crust(remould)remelting type. 乌拉山金矿带大体背花岗岩成因属陆壳(改造)重熔型。
- Taylor S R,Mcleannan S M.1985.The continental crust:its composition and evolution.Oxford:Blackwell. 西藏自治区地质矿产局.;1996
- Title: Dynamic model for Pb isotope evolution in the continental crust of China. 关键词:铅同位素;动力学演化;中国大陆;上地壳;下地壳;地幔
- Sources of material for the Linxi granitoids, the southern segment of the Da Hinggan Mts.: When and how continental crust grew? 大兴安岭南段林西地区花岗岩类的源岩:地壳生长的时代和方式?
- The convective heat of molten magma in the upper 10 km of the continental crust represents a significant geothermal energy resource. 大陆地壳10公里深度以内熔岩中的对流热是一种重要的地热能资源。
- The Fujian continental crust originated in Archean era possesses a characteristic of multi-phase and multi-stage activity during its evolution. 福建陆壳起源于太古代,在其发展演化过程中具多期、多阶段的特点。
- The crustal evolution of the Nurt area includes old continental crust stage,transitional crust stage of extensional type,conve... 金成矿为燕山期南北向挤压、构造活化动力学背景下的产物,属于与岩浆活动有关的中低温热液成矿。
- As the leading edge of one plate is consumed beneath the other, some of the magma finds its way up between cracks and crevices in the continental crust. 随着一个板块的前边缘被淹没在另一个之下,有些岩浆会顺着大陆地壳中的裂缝和缝隙向上涌出。