- Lose time; run slowly 时间走得慢;浪费时间
- He tried hard to make up for the lose time. 他竭力试图弥补损失的时间。
- First there is time dilation: moving clocks run slow. 首先是时间膨胀:移动的时钟走得较慢。
- We recovered lost time by setting out early. 我们提前出发从而把损失的时间补了回来。
- Set out at once, Do not lose time. 赶快出发,不要延误时日。
- Do you lose time from school due to gambling? 因为赌博,你会浪费学习的时间吗?
- Try as you might, you can't keep the lost time. 不管你怎么努力,失去的时间无法赶上。
- Don't lose time in posting this letter. 赶快把这封信寄出去。
- The narrow streams of swirled wine that run slowly down along the inside of a glass, often believed to indicate that the wine is full-bodied. 旋涡状酒流酒液搅拌之后沿玻璃杯的内壁缓慢流动的细酒流,通常被认为能显示该酒是浓烈的
- Don't lose time to finish your homework. 抓紧时间完成作业。
- Let's not lose time arguing about it. 我们别把时间浪费在争吵上吧!
- Don't lose time in doing your homework. 别在做作业上浪费时间。
- His fingers ran slowly over my arm. 他的手指慢慢地抚摸着我的胳臂。
- Lose time to ARR Guangzhou after 1000z. 消磨时间在1000以后到达广州。
- He ran slowly and dragged behind the whole class. 他跑得慢,拖累了全班。
- And the middle stint, you seemed to lose time then? 在比赛中间阶段尼似乎损失了一些时间?
- The hare runs very fast. The tortoise runs slowly. 兔子跑得很快。乌龟跑得很慢。
- Who runs slowly? The tortoise runs slowly. 谁跑得慢?乌龟跑得慢。
- You must regulate a watch that runs slow. 你必须把走慢的表校准。
- He look upon any time not spend in study as so much lose time. 他把任何没花在学习上的时间看作是损失了的时间。