- As a component of Lorentz force. 安培力的实质是洛仑兹力.
- But Ampere force is Lorentz force nature. 安培力对它作功。
- Lorentz force changes not the speed but the direction of velocity. 洛伦兹力改变运动电荷的速度方向,而不能改变速度的大小。五、
- The time-varying Lorentz force causes ions vibrate in the medium, which can be detected by a sensitive acoustic sensor non-invasively. 变化的洛仑兹力使媒质中的离子发生振动,这个振动可由外部的声传感器灵敏而无创地检测到。
- The behaviors of vortex motion have been obtained with varying vortex density, varying pinning strength, and external Lorentz force. 用分子动力学方法模拟计算了二维无序钉扎系统中磁通的运动。
- Moreover, with the works of the Lorentz force, the evenly solidified structure can be obtained in the electromagnetic centrifugal cast. 而洛伦兹力可以抑制熔体的流动和波动,提高溶质离子在基体中的固溶度,另外,利用洛伦兹力还可以在电磁离心铸造中获得均匀的凝固组织。
- With voltage of different polarity, the electrostatic field force and Lorentz force as well as the ponderomotive force will together change the current of plasma channel. 在外加不同极性电压时,自由电子受到所加静电场作用力、洛仑兹力以及有质动力的共同作用。
- The results show that the magnetization force may affect the transformation process, generate alignment, induce magnetic convection and separate the magnetism, while the Lorentz forc. 本文从稳恒磁场作用下生成的磁化力和洛伦兹力两个角度归纳了稳恒磁场对金属材料的固态相变和液态相变的影响。
- What's Lorentz force's essence? 洛仑兹力的本质又是什么?
- In this work the ferromagnetic plate was detected by Lamb waves generated and received by EMATs, and the Lorentz force and magnetostrictive effect as conversion principles were discussed. 本文描述了用电磁声换能器激发和接收兰姆波用于检测铁磁性钢板的情况,并讨论了作为转换机制的洛仑兹力和磁致伸缩效应。
- This current induces an azimuthal magnetic field (one that encircles the central cathode), which interacts with the same current that induced it to generate the thrust-producing Lorentz force. 这个电流感应出地平方向的磁场(环绕中央阴极),与先前的电流交互作用,形成产生推力的劳仑兹力。
- The symplectic solution of deflection and stress states is solved when the cantilever beam subjected to Lorentz force, and the influence of the changes of related parameters on the deflect... 求解了悬臂梁在受洛仑兹力作用时挠度与应力状态的辛解答,并讨论了相关参数的变化对梁挠度和应力状态的影响,从而扩展了磁弹性领域的求解方法。
- The new form of Lorentz Force Formula,that will be suitable for the charge at any speed,has been derived,and it can be transformed into the general Lorentz Force Formula in any case at lower speed. 并在此基础上导出了适用于任意速度的新的洛伦兹力公式,它在低速情况下转化为通常的洛伦兹力公式。
- Discussion on Lorentz Force and Ampere Force 关于洛仑兹力与安培力的讨论
- How to Explain Ampere Force by Lorentz Force 究竟如何用洛仑兹力解释安培力
- A way of understanding lorentz force material 关于洛仑兹力实质的猜想与证明
- Magnetic monopole and magnetic Lorentz force 磁单极与磁洛伦兹力
- Development of Lorentz Force Formulation 洛仑兹力公式的拓展
- It is vain to attempt to root out heresy by force. 试图用暴力消除异端邪说是徒劳的。
- Napoleon conquered by the force of an iron will. 拿破仑攻无不克靠的是坚强的意志。