- Loquat fruit vinegar 枇杷果醋
- He brought a box of loquat fruits for me. 他还带了一盒枇杷给我,
- The producing conditions of hawthorn fruit vinegar by one-step fermentation were discussed by orthogonal experiment. 本文用正交试验法探讨了一步发酵法生产山楂果醋的发酵工艺条件。
- Application of Silkworm Cocoons for Storage of Loquat Fruit Eriobotrya japonica Lindl. 蚕茧在枇杷保鲜中的应用研究。
- The fruit vinegar had a good flavor with fruit aroma and was a kind of health fruit vinegar. 制得的果醋风味纯正,并具有水果的香味,是一种价值较高的营养保健型果醋。
- The influences of various kinds of bags in the different areas on the loquat fruit shape and quality were studied. 摘要本试验目的乃研究枇杷由于栽培地区及套袋种类不同,对于果实形状及品质所产生的影响。
- Effect of Hypobaric Storage on Physiological and Quality Attributes of Loquat Fruit. 郜海燕 陈杭君 陈文煊 杨剑婷 宋丽丽 蒋跃明 郑永华.
- Chaenomeles lagenaria Koidz fruit vinegar was produced in this study using Chaenomeles lagenaria Koidz as raw material and AS 1. 本研究以云南药木瓜为原料;沪酿1.;41醋酸菌为菌种;液态深层发酵酿制木瓜果醋。
- The results showed that fruit bagging improved the surface lightness of loquat fruit. 结果表明,套袋能提高果实表面的明亮度。
- Additional, with fruit vinegar, for example malic vinegar and shampoo of water of grape vinegar add can let send qualitative fleeciness softness. 另外,用果醋,例如苹果醋和葡萄醋兑水洗头则可以让发质蓬松柔软。
- Citrus fruit vinegar was a new type of health drink. It used juice,then formed by alcohol fermentation and acetic acid fermentation. 柑桔果醋是新一代健康饮品 ,运用现代生物技术进行柑桔汁脱苦、澄清 ,然后经酒精发酵、醋酸发酵而成。
- The brewing techniques of loquat fruit wine were studied and the effects of different fermentation temperature and sugar content on wine quality were also analyzed. 摘要以龙泉枇杷为原料研究批把果酒生产工艺,考察不同发酵温度、糖浓度对果酒质量的影响。
- The flavor of sea-buckthorn fruit vinegar was genuine special and has a nice smell of sea-buckthorns.It was a new-type nutritional drink. 制得的果醋风味纯正独特,有沙棘果的典型香气,是一种有较高营养价值的新型饮品。
- Three varieties (Baisa, Jiajiao and Dahongpao) of loquat fruit cultivated largely at Tangxi, Yuhang County, Zhejiang Province were used in this study. 对浙江余杭塘栖主栽的3个枇杷品种(大红袍,夹脚和白砂)果实采后膜透性、呼吸强度、乙烯产生及果实的耐贮性作了初步研究。
- "Feast vinegar" with bifidusfactor was made of apple juice, which was fermented into fruit vinegar by Acetobacter spp. and added with isomaltooligosaccharide. 摘要双歧因子“宴会醋”是以苹果汁为原料,经醋酸菌发酵酿造果醋添加异麦芽低聚糖制成。
- In this experiment,we made use of kiwi fruit dregs,corn powder and wheat bran to study the technology of kiwi fruit vinegar which is made by fermentation. 初步探讨了以榨汁后的猕猴桃果渣、玉米粉、麸皮为原料,经酒精发酵和醋酸发酵酿制猕猴桃果醋的生产工艺。
- Segment 2: the optimal product mix of fruit vinegar is the grape flavor, NT$150, plastics packaging material and sold at the superstore.It is named as superstore cluster. 集群二:最佳水果醋产品组合为葡萄口味、价格150元、塑胶材质包装在量贩店内贩售,将其命名为量贩族群。
- Feast vinegar" with bifidusfactor was made of apple juice, which was fermented into fruit vinegar by Acetobacter spp. and added with isomaltooligos accharide. 双歧因子“宴会醋”是以苹果汁为原料,经醋酸菌发酵酿造果醋添加异麦芽低聚糖制成。
- Using tree berries as raw material, tree berries fruit vinegar with a particular flavor was produced by alcohol fermentation, acetic acid fermentation, ageing, and clarification. 摘要以树莓为原料,经酒精发酵、醋酸发酵、陈酿、澄清处理后制得香味独特,品味纯正的树莓果醋。
- It is a kind of nutritious functional fruit vinegar produced through processes of crushing, pressing, alcoholic fermentation, acetic fermentation, blending, and EPT. 苹果醋是以新鲜苹果、黑醋栗等为主要原料,经破碎、压榨、酒精发酵、醋酸发酵、勾兑调配、超高压处理而成的一种营养丰富的功能性果醋。