- Loop also shows how to split a 循环还显示了如何将
- Shows how to use the LEFT, MID, RIGHT, SEARCH, and LEN functions to split a name column into two or more columns. 显示如何使用LEFT、MID、RIGHT、SEARCH和LEN函数将姓名列拆分为两列或多列。
- Shows how to split the WSDL file. 显示了如何分割WSDL文件。
- Animated smilie face, also shows how to play a wave file. 动画笑脸, 展示出怎样播放一个声音文件。
- The sample also shows how to call ScfSideShowGadget's AddContent method to send SCF menu, SCF text, and SCF image content down to a device. 此示例还说明了如何调用ScfSideShowGadget的AddContent方法,以便向设备发送SCF菜单、SCF文本和SCF图像内容。
- We will also show how to use equivalent annual costs to decide when to replace aging plant or equipment. 我们还将展示当需要替换老化的工厂或设备的时候,如何运用等价年成本来决策。
- This code example also shows how to override the OnAttributeRender and OnStyleAttributeRender methods to filter for text size and color style, respectively. 这个代码示例还演示如何重写OnAttributeRender和OnStyleAttributeRender方法以分别对文本大小和颜色样式进行筛选。
- This tutorial explains how to design a pagination for search results or more in general to split a long list of records in more pages. 这个教程要说明的是如何为搜索结果或更常见的长记录列表设计分页。
- Shows how to anchor and dock child controls in a. 控件中锚定和停靠子控件。
- How to decide rescheduling period, how to split a batch into small batches and how to gather new information from the current shop floor status are discussed. 本文讨论了再调度周期的确定方法、待加工工件的选取原则、批量生产的处理方法等。
- Shows how to change the border style of a form. 显示如何更改窗体的边框样式。
- She also showed how to prepare special foods that were later included in many of her thirteen published cookbooks. 她还演示了如何准备特别的食物,这些食物后来写进了她发表的13本食谱里面。
- Shows how to debug a SQL CLR trigger. 说明如何调试SQL CLR触发器。
- Shows how to declare and use a static property. 说明如何声明和使用静态属性。
- Shows how to draw a bitmap at runtime. 显示如何在运行时绘制位图。
- Shows how to implement a duplex contract. 演示如何实现双工协定。
- Shows how to load a workflow code file at run time. 演示如何在运行时加载工作流代码文件。
- Also, of course, shows how to play them. 当然,也演示了如何播放这些声音。
- Shows how to make a typedef for a managed array. 显示如何为托管数组创建typedef。
- Shows how to print a copy of the current form. 演示如何打印当前窗体的副本。