- Lonicera spinosan. 棘枝忍冬
- Lonicera macranthoides Hand.-Mazz. 假大花忍冬
- Lonicera similis Hemsl.var.delavayi (Franch.)Rehd. 吊子银花
- Lonicera similis Hemsl.var.delavayi Rehd. 吊子银花
- Lonicera edulis is the plant of Caprifoliaceae. 蓝靛果是忍冬科植物。
- Lonicera caerulea L. var. edulis Turcz. ex Herd. 蓝锭果忍冬
- Lonicera macranthoides Hand. -Mazz. 灰毡毛忍冬
- Lonicera macranthoides Hands -Mazz. 灰毡毛忍冬
- Studies on Tissue Culture and Cytogenetics of Cleome spinosa Jacq. 醉蝶花的组织培养及其细胞遗传学研究。
- Chuquiraga spinosa Less. subsp. rotundifolia (Wedd.) C. Ezcurra 植物更多的照片这里可以看.
- Studies on Chemical Constituents of Lonicera syringantha Maxim. 红花忍冬的化学成分研究。
- Studies on the Phenolic Acid Compounds from Lonicera confusa DC. 山银花中酚酸类成分研究。
- Establishment of Hypocotyl Regeneration System of Capparis spinosa L. 药用植物刺山柑快繁再生体系的建立。
- Studies on the character of pigments from Lonicera caerulea L. 兰锭果色素的特性研究。
- Reproductive Biological Study on Lonicera hypoglauca Miq. 红腺忍冬的繁殖研究。
- Object:To study the naphtha and fatty acid in Capparis spinosa L.fruit. 目的:为了研究刺山柑果实挥发油和脂肪酸的成分。
- Flavonoids from the Aerial Parts of Lonicera syringantha Maxim. 红花忍冬的黄酮类成分研究。
- Title: Establishment of Hypocotyl Regeneration System of Capparis spinosa L. 关键词:刺山柑;无菌苗;下胚轴;组织培养;植株再生
- Triterpenoids from the Aerial Parts of Lonicera syringantha Maxim. 红花忍冬的三萜类成分研究。
- Study on extraction process of Lonicera japonica Thunb. 金银花提取工艺研究。