- David Foulkes had ever done longitudinal studies related to children's dreams. 这时候,是不是才有空可以做一些轻松一点的梦呢?
- In the longitudinal studies, we demonstrated that long-term TCC practice might delay the decline of cardiorespiratory function. 在纵贯式研究中,太极拳组有45位,而对照组有39位完成两年的追踪。
- They examined pooled data from ARIC and CHS, 2 community-based, longitudinal studies. 他们对ARIC和CHS这2个以社区人群为基础的混合数据进行了纵向调查。
- Longitudinal studies were conducted oer a fie-year period for HLA antibodies on 493 sera tested from 54 kidney transplant patients. 一项历时五年的纵向研究对取自54名肾移植病人的493份血清标本进行了检测以了解HLA抗体的情况。
- Retrospectie analysis of data from a longitudinal study. 回顾分析纵向调查数据资料。
- Repeated events data are encountered in many longitudinal studies such as computer breakdowns and motorcycle crashes that can occur repeatedly.over time for each subject. 长期追踪研究常会收集某时间内一人发生多次事件的重复事件资料,例如电脑一再损坏送修、车祸一再发生。
- A longitudinal study of twins. 对双胞胎的跟踪研究
- Using HLM was able to estimate the different trajectories for each subject in the experimental group.This study shows that HLM can be applied effectively in longitudinal studies. 本研究透过子宫切除妇女术后初期症状困扰之追踪分析来说明阶层线性模式的方法与运用技巧,期望藉由此篇文章来推广阶层线性模式在追踪研究上的应用。
- Physical Growth of Low Birth Weight Infants in China: A 16-Year Longitudinal Study. 低出生体重儿体格生长16年纵向随访研究。
- A cohort study is a longitudinal study in which a specific population is studied over time. 群体研究是在一段时间内对特定群体进行的纵向研究(随机取样)。
- His Seattle Longitudinal Study has become the classic model of the study of adult intellectual development. 其中 ,“西雅图纵向研究”已经成为该研究领域的经典研究模式。
- This week the American Psychological Association published the first longitudinal study of female bisexuality.Dr. 一项为期十年的研究表明,女性身上的双性恋倾向并不会使其成为女同性恋。
- Registering CXR images of the same subject can be useful for longitudinal study. 将同一病患不同时间所拍摄之胸部X光影像对齐可应用在长期观察之上。
- Pannu HS, Singh D, Sandhu JS. Lipid profile before and after renal transplantationA longitudinal study[J]. Ren Fail, 2003; 25(2):411-417. 王玉新,陆元善,徐琴君,等.;肾脏移植患者脂代谢紊乱的临床研究[J]
- Conclusion.This is the first population-based longitudinal study to show that changes in weight are associated with parallel changes in albuminuria. 结论:这是首次基于群体学的纵向调查来说明体重变化与蛋白尿平行变化的相关性。
- Design, Setting, and Participants: Longitudinal study of 698 community-living persons 65 years or older who were randomly selected from a population registry in Tuscany, Italy. 实验设计,安排及参与者:随机选取意大利托斯卡纳社区的698名年龄在65岁以上的老人进行纵向研究。
- Kippax S., Crawford, J., David, M., Rodden, P., Dowsett, G. Sustaining safe sex: a longitudinal study of a sample homosexual men. AIDS, 1993. No. 7, 257-263. 王曙光,男同志人群的安全套促进的阶段发展策略-一个干预试点研究报告。云南“中-英艾滋病防治合作项目男同性恋课题交流会”提交报告,2001。
- Sit JW,Wong TK,Clinton M,et al.Associated factors of post -stroke depression among Hong Kong Chinese:A longitudinal study[J].Psychol Health Med J,2007,12(2):117-125. 叶建宁;邓志宽;帅杰;等.;脑卒中患者早期血清C反应蛋白含量与脑卒中后抑郁症的关系[J]
- Yang, C. C. (2001). Longitudinal study of early linguistics growth: Investigating sequential relations. AERA 2001, Seattle, WA, USA. (ERIC; with Yang, C. C. 杨志强(2003)。选项特徵曲线在科学教育评量之应用。应用教学科技于科学教育学术研讨会,国立嘉义大学(与杨志坚合著)。