- One of either Paddyfield Warbler A. agricola or Manchurian Reed Warbler A. tangorum. 稻田苇莺或远东苇莺其中一种。
- A European wading bird(Tringa nebularia) having greenish legs and a long bill. 青足鹬产于欧洲的一种涉禽(鹬属青脚鹬),腿绿色,喙长
- European wading bird(Tringa nebularia) having greenish legs and a long bill. 青足鹬产于欧洲的一种涉禽(鹬属青脚鹬),腿绿色,喙长
- In so much,as Busbechius reporteth,a Christian boy in Constantinople had like to have been stoned,for gagging,in a waggishness,a long billed fowl. 据布斯拜洽斯底记述,君士坦丁堡有一个耶教青年,因为在玩笑中撑住了一只长喙鸟底嘴的缘故,差一点被人用石头打死了。土耳其人爱物底程度有如此者。
- An Old World wading bird(Limnocryptes minima) having brownish plumage and a long bill. 滨鹬,姬鹬东半球的一种涉水禽鸟(姬鹬鹬属),长有浅棕色的羽毛和长长的嘴
- An Old World wading bird(Limnocryptes minima)having brownish plumage and a long bill. 滨鹬,姬鹬东半球的一种涉水禽鸟(姬鹬鹬属),长有浅棕色的羽毛和长长的嘴
- The Fox lapped it up with great relish, but the Stork with her long bill tried in vain to eat the tasty btoth. 狐狸津津有味地舔着汤,而鹳用她那细长的嘴巴怎么也喝不着。
- Any of various tropical American birds of the family Galbulidae, having iridescent plumage and a long bill. 鹟鴷一种热带美洲鹟鴷科的鸟类,有彩虹色的羽毛和长长的鸟嘴。
- Any of various large wading birds of the family Gruidae, having a long neck, long legs, and a long bill. 鹤任一种鹤科的大型、长颈、长腿、长嘴的水鸟
- The fox could easily lap up the soup, but the stork could only wet the end of her long bill in it. 狐狸可以轻而易举地喝到荡,但是鹤只够蘸湿他长长的嘴尖。
- Either of two related game birds,Scolopax rusticola of the Old World or Philohela minor of North America,having brownish plumage,short legs,and a long bill. 丘鹬,山鹬欧亚大陆的欧洲丘鹬或北美洲美洲丘鹬两种相关的猎禽中的一种,有淡褐色的羽毛、短脚和长嘴。
- Either of two related game birds, Scolopax rusticola of the Old World or Philohela minor of North America, having brownish plumage, short legs, and a long bill. 丘鹬,山鹬欧亚大陆的欧洲丘鹬或北美洲美洲丘鹬两种相关的猎禽中的一种,有淡褐色的羽毛、短脚和长嘴
- From our vantage point, dark dust clouds (upper left) help define the Pelican's eye and long bill, while a bright front of ionized gas suggests the curved shape of the head and neck. 从我们的有利位置来看,黑暗的尘埃云(左上)使我们分辨出鹈鹕星云的眼睛和长嘴,同时被电离气体的明亮外观显示出头部和弯曲的颈部。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
- You can keep my book as long as you like. 我的书你要借多久都随你的便。
- Fruit juices ferment if they are kept a long time. 果汁若是放置很久,就会发酵。
- The beggar spun a long yarn about his misfortunes. 那个乞丐编造了一大篇自己如何遭遇不幸的故事。
- After a long debate the bill was passed. 经长时间的辩论,议案获得通过。
- Oriental Great Reed Warblern. 东方大苇莺
- Basra Reed Warblern. 巴士拉苇莺