- Long novels bore me to tears. 我觉得长篇小说特别使人厌烦.
- The child couldn't bear me to be away so long. 我离开么这么久孩子受不了。
- The sad story moved me to tears of sympathy. 这个悲伤的故事使我感动得流下了同情的眼泪。
- His lengthy speeches always bore me to death. 他冗长的讲话令我厌烦。
- He said he could not bear me to be unhappy. 他说他不忍看到我不幸。
- She could not bear me to be away. 她不忍我离去。
- My own business always bore me to death; I prefer other people's. 我自己的工作老叫我闷得要死; 我更喜欢别人的。
- The pathos of the old soldier's situation moved me to tears. 老兵的凄凉景况让我感动得热泪盈眶。
- Your announcement moved me to tears, especially the focus on our children. 您的宣布让我感动得流泪,特别是您提到,不论我们做什么决定,都是为了下一代。
- Your announcement moved me to tears,especially the focus on our children. 您的宣布让我感动得流泪,特别是您提到,不论我们做什么决定,都是为了下一代。
- Would you help me to tear the radio down? There's something wrong with it. 你能帮助我把这台收音机拆开吗?它出毛病了。
- According to certain chronicler, this great novelist is going to write no more long novel. 根据某些编年史家的说法,这位伟大的小说家将不再写长篇了。
- I think he imagined that if I went to Wheeler and asked him about Smiley, then Wheeler would make up a story and bore me to death with some terribly long, exasperating, useless tale. 我估计他是这么想的:你找到惠勒问斯麦尔利的事,老惠就会编个又臭又长又无聊的故事来挤兑你。
- Their sharp remarks reduced her to tears. 他们尖刻的话使她哭了起来。
- Iam very proud to be British, and the national anthem being playedduring the closing ceremony moved me to tears. 我非常自豪自己是英国人,闭幕式上演奏的国歌使我热泪盈眶。
- How long will it take me to get there? 到那儿要花多长时间?
- His emotional language reduced many of the audience to tears. 他满怀感情的话语使许多观众流下眼泪。
- My wife saw it later and was moved to tears, so she pasted a small note on the manuscript asking me to write it in calligraphy. 后来内人看到了此作并且感动得流下眼泪,所以她贴了一张小纸条在手稿上,要我将之写成翰墨。
- It licked me to think they had been hid away for such a long time. 我真不明白它们怎么会被隐藏了这么久。
- Such is human nature that everybody present was moved to tears. 人性就是这样,所以在场的每个人都感动得流下眼泪。