- Georgia Southern University Logistics and Intermod. 佐治亚州南部大学。
- Quote for Logistics and package for new project. 制定新产品物流和包装费用报价规范。
- He commandeered idle men and vehicle. 他征用闲着的人手和车辆。
- Management of Production, Logistics and QA. 管理生产,物流和质量保证。
- More stringent fuel and vehicle emission standards. 收紧车用燃料及车辆废气排放标准。
- Increases both Squad Cap and Vehicle Cap. 增加班插接帽和车辆插接帽。
- Creation / Updating of customers and vehicle files. 建立并更新顾客和车辆的档案。
- Fourth: logistics and commodity purchasing consultation service. 四、物流及商品采购咨询服务。
- Insurance and vehicle tax coverage. 保险及汽车税范围。
- Major in producing agriculture herd machinery and vehicle parts. 以生产农牧机械及汽车零组件为主。
- Use: agricultural machine and vehicle production indiustrial. 用途:用于农业机械和汽车制造工业。
- Logistics and Vehicle 物流车辆
- Work out transportation planning and vehicle maintenance planning. 制订运输计划、车辆保养、维修计划。
- Shops were looted and vehicles stoned. 商店遭哄抢,车辆被砸坏。
- Periodicals on Alternative Fuels and Vehicles. 可替代燃油和汽车的期刊列表。
- Major: Pharmaceutical or related majors such as logistics and supply chain. 专业:制药或其他相关专业,如物流和供应链管理。
- Was in charge of communication with customers, logistics and documenting. 负责跟客人的日常联系、船务、单证等工作。
- Reinforcing profiles are integrated into the side sills and vehicle floor. 加强概况融入方希尔斯和车辆地板。
- The courtyard is thronged with visitors and vehicles. 门前车水马龙。
- The launcher and vehicle are then transported to the firing pad by a crawler. 发射器和飞行器由一个爬行轨道送到点火台。