- Logical Log Backup Tape Device 逻辑日志备份磁带设备
- For logical log backups, it is a combination of the IDS instance name plus the IDS servernumber. 对于logical log备份,使用的则是IDS实例名称和IDS服务器编号的组合。
- Database or log backups can be appended to any disk or tape device, allowing a database and its transaction logs to be kept within one physical location. 可以将数据库或日志备份追加到任何磁盘或磁带设备上,从而使得数据库和它的事务日志能存储在一个物理位置中。
- Using a logical backup device can help if you plan to write a series of backups to the same path or to a tape device. 如果准备将一系列备份数据写入相同的路径或磁带设备,则使用逻辑备份设备非常有用。
- Used to synchronize backup tape pools. 用于同步备份磁带池。
- In this case, you do not have to have a log backup. 在这种情况下,不必准备日志备份。
- The time and date of the last log backup operation. 上一次日志备份操作的时间和日期。
- This parameter identifies a transaction mark in the log backup. 此参数在日志备份中标识一个事务标记。
- Added the "Specifying a Backup Tape by Using Its Physical Name" section. 添加了“使用物理名称指定备份磁带”部分。
- ATTENDED The clause applies only when backing up to a tape device. ATTENDED该子句仅适用于备份到磁带设备时。
- The database must be recovered to the end of a transaction log backup. 必须将数据库恢复到事务日志备份的结尾。
- We recommend starting then because the first log backup can take a long time. 之所以建议在此时开始备份,是因为第一个日志备份会花费较长的时间。
- This can slow down database startup and also log backup and restore operations. 这会降低数据库启动以及日志备份和还原操作的速度。
- The database server can be either restored to a specific point in time or to a specific logical log. 数据库服务器可以还原到某一特定时间点上,也可以还原到某一特定逻辑日志。
- If an error occurred on a tape device, you can clean or replace the tape drive. 如果磁带设备发生错误,可卸下或更换磁带机。
- Apply the transaction log backup that was created at 5:10 A.M. On Wednesday. 应用星期三凌晨5:10创建的事务日志备份。
- This cycle repeats endlessly, as long as the end of the logical log never reaches the beginning of the logical log. 这个循环不断重复,只要逻辑日志的末端不到达逻辑日志的始端。
- Some time after the Log_2 log backup, data loss occurs in the database. 在Log_2日志备份后的某个时间,数据库出现数据丢失。
- New log records are added at the end of the logical log and expand toward the end of the physical log. 新日志记录被添加到逻辑日志的末端,然后向物理日志的末端扩张。
- A backup tape that allows for continuation after the first backup tape in a media family. 媒体簇中继第一个备份磁带用完之后可以继续用于备份的备份磁带。