- Loggerhead Kingbirdn. 圆头王霸鹟
- So i could explore my host...Oops, that loggerhead's anecdote to you all! 因此我可以尽说我的主人...噢不是,那笨蛋的轶闻给...
- A kingbird seen in the southwestern United States; largely gray with a yellow abdomen. 美国西南部可见到的一种食蜂鹟;大型灰色鸟,腹部为黄色。
- The loggerhead shrike, a small grey, black and white bird, has declined by 92% since then. 大头伯劳鸟是一种体型较小,羽毛为灰色、黑色和白色的鸟。这种鸟的数量自那时起已经减少了92%25。
- On the beach side, loggerhead and green sea turtles lumber ashore to lay eggs every summer. 在海滩上,每逢夏季红绿海龟便爬上岸来,挪动着笨拙的身体在沙滩上下蛋。
- In Florida, which accounts for more than 90 percent of loggerhead nesting in the United States, 90 percent of hatchlings are female. 美国佛州出生的赤蠵龟数量佔全美90%25,其中有90%25为雌性;
- The researchers analyzed 26 years of loggerhead turtle nesting and climate data and compared the findings with models for future temperatures. 而未来预估上升的气温,将造成北美赤蠵龟以及其近亲中雄性的数量减少。
- Largest of the hard-shelled turtles, the endangered loggerhead sea turtle can be found in all but the coldest ocean waters. 意译:海龟图片画廊。最大的硬壳海龟,有频临灭绝危险的呆子海龟能找到在全部极冷的海洋水域。
- Mr.Chang is the Director of Legal Services Division, Deputy Director of foreign law Division in the Kingbird Law firm and one of the experts of the Government Procurement. 现担任河南省体彩中心、郑州市工商联家庭装修装饰商会、河南省睢州商会法律顾问、河南龙飞医药连锁集团公司、中华风旅游.;郑州执行机构等多家单位常年法律顾问。
- Here, a crowd gathered on the beach to watch as volunteers release a rehabilitated loggerhead turtle to return to the wild. 在这里,人群聚集在海滩上观看作为志愿者释放平反蠵龟回到野外。
- The newly protected area provides habitat for several at-risk species, including the zebra-tailed lizard and loggerhead shrike, as well as extremely rare native wildflowers. 这块新设立的保护区域提供濒危物种一块生存空间。这些物种包括斑尾蜥蜴、呆头伯劳,还有一些非常稀有的野花。
- Yntema, C.L. and N. Mrosovsky. 1982. Critical peroids and pivotal temperatures for sexual differentiation in loggerhead sea turtles. Can. J. Zool., 62:1012-1016. 维基共享资源中相关的多媒体资源:维基物种中的分类信息:程一骏和陈添喜。1994。台湾附近海域海龟之生物学的研究(1)。农委会。台北。34页。
- NOAA scientists are studying whether still more restrictions may be needed to protect loggerhead sea turtles, which are listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. 美国国家海洋暨大气总署的科学们正在研究是否需要更多的限制来保护红海龟,并将其列为濒危特种法案里受到威胁的物种中。
- The objective of this study was to determine reference intervals for plasma protein fractions of normal appearing, wild Atlantic loggerhead sea turtles, Caretta caretta. 这是一篇研究赤蠵龟血液化学的文章,目的在于定量出亚特兰大地区,野生赤蠵龟身上各种血液蛋白的正常参考值。
- A loggerhead turtle. 巨大的海龟
- After hatching from eggs laid in nests along beaches in Florida, baby loggerhead turtles swim out into this current and flow with it for years, nudged along by warm waters rich in food. 在美国佛罗里达州的海淮上,小海龟从巢穴中的蛋里孵化出来后,沿海滩爬入水中,并且常年随洋流游动,被含有丰富食物的温暖海水推动前进。
- After hatching from eggs laid in nests along beaches in Florida,baby loggerhead turtles swim out into this current and flow with it for years,nudged along by warm waters rich in food. 在美国佛罗里达州的海淮上,小海龟从巢穴中的蛋里孵化出来后,沿海滩爬入水中,并且常年随洋流游动,被含有丰富食物的温暖海水推动前进。
- Now there is a loggerhead here. 现在来了个傻子,
- Alan caught sight of a king bird kingbird 突然看见,意外的发现