- His keen eyes saw that the local security forces were often subverted or made superfluous by the clone troopers. 他以敏锐的目光发现克隆人部队经常干涉或架空当地安全部队。
- Local Security Force 当地警戒部队
- The security forces say they will flush out all the troublemakers. 保安人员说他们一定把所有捣乱分子清出来。
- His brother is appointed superintendent of the security force. 他哥哥被任命为安全力量的负责人。
- The local security authority database contains an internal inconsistency. 本地安全颁发机构数据库内部包含不一致性。
- China has readied the largest security force in Olympic history. 中国已经做好了奥运史上规模最大的安全措施。
- Witnesses said a joint patrol of local police and a U. S.-trained security force were chasing thievesshortly after midnight on Friday when U. S. Soldiers opened fire on them. 目击者称,上周五,一队伊拉克地方联合巡逻部队在追击叛乱者的过程中遭到了美军的莫名袭击。
- The new account SID could not be set in the Local Security Accounts manager. 不能在本地安全帐户管理器中设置新帐户SID。
- Implement, configure, manage, and troubleshoot local security policy. 配置和管理本地安全策略及故障排除。
- The local security promulgates department data-base contain difference. 本地安全颁发机构数据库内部包含不一致性。
- The internal security force is composed of contingents and mobile divisions. 内卫部队由各分遣队和机动师组成。
- Security forces were placed on alert. 治安警备力量进入了警戒状态。
- But the monster still stalks his security forces. 但他的安全部队仍然以此为信仰。
- Security forces are patrolling Ahmedabad streets. 安全部队正在艾哈迈达巴德接上迅雷。
- Bangladesh has an army, but it is a twopenny halfpenny affair kept deliberately weak, with the security forces split into three separate groups. 孟加拉国拥有一支军队,但是由于安全部队分裂成三个独立的派别,这支军队微不足道,并且有意使之弱小。
- The Network Services local security group is also given read access to the private key associated with the certificate. 还为Network Services本地安全组授予对与证书关联的私钥的读取权限。
- The password is in a secure portion of Local Security Authority (LSA). 密码位于本地安全机构(LSA)的一个安全部分。
- Restore the system state and auth restore each of the local security groups that contains the deleted users. 还原系统状态,并对包含已删除用户的每个本地安全组执行授权还原。
- The children "disappeared" with their parents when security forces invaded their home in Buenos Aires. 孩子们在安全部队攻击他们布宜诺斯艾利斯的家时随著父母"失踪"了。
- Police operated under the umbrella of the security forces. 警方在保安部队的掩护下采取了行动.