- Living moral education 德育生活化
- Man is the sole living moral creature. 在自然界中,只有人是有道德的存在物。
- Innovating methods of ideological moral education. 创新思想道德教育方法。
- Moral education should say "no" to bourgeois. 道德教育应向平庸说“不”。
- Thirdly, he should receive moral education. 第三,他应该接收道德教育。
- The contemporary school moral education has been diverting the standard moral education that keeps far away from the life to the life noumenon. 当代学校德育从远离生命的规范德育向生命本体回归。
- Under this situation, moral education errs from various and particular life as well as freedom. 是一种生命共融、和谐,是一种和而不同的生命状态。
- School moral education mainly focuses on polities and learning ability and hardly on loving, sexual and daily living ability education. 学校德育内容主要集中在政治和学习能力方面,但较少进行恋爱及性和日常生活能力的教育;
- It is nothing but the result of despising moral education. 这不外乎是轻视道德教育的结果。
- Should we put intellectual development above moral education? 我们是否可以将增长知识置于道德教育之上呢?
- Confucian education is moral education substantively. 儒家教育实质是德教。
- Research on Medical Moral Education Cognition of Medical Students. 医学大学生对医德认知的调查研究。
- And sometimes, they are integrated in the moral education. 有时这些内容是综合运用于道德教育之中的。
- In the 21th Century, People pay more attention to moral education. 进入21世纪,人们对道德教育给予了更多的关注。
- How far is the Network Moral Education From the teen-aggr Students? 网络德育:你离青少年学生还有多远?
- The solution of moral problem depends on moral education. 道德问题需要依靠道德教育得以解决。
- I my opinion, the remedy lies in moral education of competitors. 我的意见, 治疗法躺在竞争者的德育中。
- The media and publicity work as well as ideological and moral education have kept improving. The people's cultural life has become increasingly rich and colorful. 宣传舆论工作和思想道德建设不断加强,群众精神文化生活日益丰富。
- I belive , as the development of life education and penetration of humanity, life of moral education must advance towards practice at last. 本人坚信:随着生命化德育的日益凸现和以人为本理念的逐步深入,生命化德育必然会走向实践形态。
- In the moral education, the particular of individual life and the rifeness of colony life are united, and individual life accretes with colony life. 在道德教育中,个体生命之间的独特性与群体生命之中的普遍性相统一,实现个体生命与群体生命共融。