- Living idly and alone 闲居独处
- To talk idly and at length;chatter. 唠叨,空谈没完没了地闲谈;闲聊
- To talk idly and at length; chatter. 唠叨,空谈没完没了地闲谈;闲聊
- He knew I was unhappy and alone. 他知道我很苦闷、孤独。
- He stood naked and alone in darkness. 他赤裸裸、孤零零地站在黑暗里。
- Idleness and luxury bring forth poverty and want. 懒惰和奢侈导致穷困和贪欲。
- He would not be naked and alone. 他将不再是赤手空拳和孤立无援的。
- No wonder he felt so raw and alone. 难怪他感到那么阴郁和孤独。
- Stop idling and help me clean up. 别游手好闲的,来帮我打扫打扫吧。
- He knew he was marooned and alone on the island. 他知晓了---他是被孤独地置于在了荒岛上。
- The boy has a good enough brain but he's bone idle and won't study. 这个男孩脑子十分好,但就是懒惰成性,不肯学习。
- And alone and without his nest shall the eagle fly across the sun. 苍鹰也得独自离巢,才能飞掠过太阳。
- However, losers live in idleness and let opportunities pass by. 而失败者工作懒散,眼看机遇悄然而过.
- Just like a heart without love ,wateriness and alone. 犹如一颗没有爱的心,平淡而孤寂。
- My car had mysteriously stalled, and I was stranded and alone. 那时,车子莫名其妙地熄火了,我只身被困在林中。
- Idle and Normal speed starting system. 怠速或正常运行系统。
- I also wanted to see the red autumn leaves, the pumpkins and to feel the excitement of living free and alone. 我也想看看秋天的红叶、南瓜,以及去感受无拘无束、独自生活的惬意。
- Be not idle and you shall no be louging. 勤者知足。
- What precipices are idleness and pleasure! 懒惰,贪图舒服,多么险恶的悬崖!
- How to do when the mood is irritated, doleful and alone how to eliminate? 心情烦的时候怎么办,寂寞孤单怎么消除?